9 Foods That Strengthen Your Teeth

We know that food influences our body. It affects all aspects, from weight, hair beauty to the appearance and control of diseases. But do you know how what you eat affects your teeth? Today we bring you certain foods that strengthen your teeth. 

Foods with excess sugar and fat are very harmful to our teeth.

Your elders probably put a lot of emphasis on talking to you about the foods that damage and deteriorate your teeth. However, they rarely tell us about foods that strengthen teeth.

Taking care of your teeth  it goes beyond correct brushing and flossing.  There are foods that strengthen your teeth and that you should include in your diet quite often.

Here we leave you the list, keep reading and make sure to check that they go on your shopping list the next time you go to the market.

Some foods that strengthen your teeth

1. Walnuts and almonds

Walnuts and almonds strengthen your teeth due to their high levels of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. .

This makes them the ideal foods when you want to remineralize your teeth and protect their natural enamel.   It is a natural way to help rebuild tooth enamel that is removed by highly acidic foods.

Give a lot of importance to this if you are in treatments against cavities . Likewise, almonds are also a good source of protein and low in sugar.

Remember that you must consume 5 walnuts or 10 almonds a day. Include them in your smoothies or to give your salads that crunchy touch.

2. Water

Water is not properly a food but it is necessary for good health.  In addition, it eliminates the residues left by food, helps keep saliva levels high and fights tooth decay.

Remember that you should consume at least a liter and a half of natural water a day (the ideal is to consume two liters).

3. Green tea

Green Tea

The Green Tea It is another of the foods that strengthen your teeth. Its catechins fight inflammation and infections caused by bacteria .

In various studies that seek to verify the benefits of this drink, it has been seen that those who drink green tea frequently have better oral health than the rest.

Remember that a cup of green tea is enough to fill you with antioxidants and take care of your teeth.

4. Raisins

You like candy? Surely if the answer is “yes”, you dentist He will have already told you about continuing to consume them.

Replacing sugary candies with raisins is a good idea , as they are sweet but sucrose-free.

In addition, they are rich in phytochemicals that can cause tooth decay. If you are concerned that the sticky texture of raisins could cause you harm, you should know that there is no risk.

5. Cheese

The cheese

If you are one of those people who profess a great love for cheese, now you have another reason to enjoy it.

Cheese raises the pH in the mouth and reduces the risk of tooth decay since chewing increases the amount of saliva in the mouth .

Cheese also contains calcium and protein , two nutrients that strengthen tooth enamel.

6. Yogurt

Like cheese, yogurt is rich in calcium and protein, making it a good choice for strong and healthy teeth. .

The probiotics found in this food also benefit your gums because the good bacteria help flush out those that cause cavities.

If you decide to add more yogurt to your diet, choose one without sugar. To add flavor you can accompany it with fruit.

7. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables

Green vegetables should be on the shopping list of anyone wanting a healthy diet. These vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals while low in calories.

Cabbage and spinach are two good examples of foods that strengthen your teeth. They are rich in calcium, so it helps to maintain tooth enamel.

They also contain folic acid, a type of B vitamin that has numerous health benefits.

If you have trouble including leafy greens in your diet, add a handful of spinach to your smoothies.

8. Apples

Apples may be sweet but they are also rich in fiber and water.  By eating an apple you promote the production of saliva and eliminate bacteria and food particles.

The fibrous texture of the fruit also stimulates the gums.  Although eating a Apple It is not the same as brushing your teeth, but it may be enough if you do not have the possibility to do it after eating.

9. CarrotsCarrots, one of the foods that strengthen your teeth.

Like apples, carrots are crisp and high in fiber.

Eating a raw carrot at the end of the meal increases the production of saliva in the mouth which reduces the risk of cavities.

Because they are also rich in vitamin A, we recommend including one or two carrots in your daily diet.

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