The Curious 4-7-8 Technique To Get Adequate Sleep

If you are one of those people who suffer from insomnia or problems getting adequate sleep, we are sure that you have already tried everything. From relaxing teas to bedtime walks, nothing seems to work. We must be clear that each person uses one thing, so it is always worth trying new tips to find out if this time they give us a good result. Do you know the famous 4-7-8 technique?

Although we describe it as a curiosity, you should know that the 4-7-8 technique is used regularly by many people not only to get adequate sleep, but to manage their stress and relax.

Although there are no scientific studies that have been specifically dedicated to this method, there are others that confirm the close relationship between relaxation and sleep. How about we start testing it today?

What is the 4-7-8 technique?

The 4-7-8 technique is a way to relax through proper breathing. This method has been developed by Andrew Weil, Doctor of Medicine from the University of Arizona (United States). Weil is well known for his therapies to reduce stress and anxiety and for helping people with insomnia problems.

His techniques and advice are still effective for all those people used to having a rhythm of life marked by nerves and stress. If this is your case, the simple 4-7-8 technique is worth considering for these reasons:

  • Although it has not been proven that this is the case for all individuals, if we follow it for a month we might notice that it is very difficult for us to fall asleep at night. The body could get used to these daily relaxation exercises, so that, day by day, the breathing would become more rhythmic, slow, the muscles would loosen and the mind would be much more relaxed, ready to rest late at night. .
    • The 4-7-8 technique can be useful to cope with our daily stress, and even to better manage anger.
    • During the first month, we should apply the 4-7-8 technique four times a day, but afterwards, it would be enough to do it once in the morning and then half an hour before going to sleep. That is, our body and brain would have already gotten used to it, and it would be something almost automatic to help us sleep.

    How is the 4-7-8 technique applied?

    The following procedure is based on publications detailing Weil’s method. As we already said, more in-depth scientific studies are still lacking to confirm all its supposed benefits.

    The first month

    Throughout the first month, we will apply the 4-7-8 technique four times a day. The first, as soon as we get up; the second, after your lunch; the next, when you get home in the middle of the afternoon, and the last, half an hour before going to sleep. Very easy, do you want to know what it is based on?

    1. Sit in a comfortable place that allows you to have a straight back
    2. Place the tongue behind the upper teeth, just where the roof of the mouth begins
    3. Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose. Meanwhile, count to 4
    4. Hold your breath for 7 seconds
    5. Next, exhale the air from your lungs for 8 seconds in a sound way, letting your tiredness, your pressures, your anxieties escape with that air
    6. Repeat the cycle four times


    And that’s it. As you can see, it is something really simple that forces us to regulate our breathing and helps us to release our daily stress. The most important thing is that you do not forget to do it every day for a month, four times a day.

    Throughout the following months

    After the first month, our body and mind will have already become used to these guidelines. This method can be a very suitable way to manage those external stress points that alter our breathing throughout the day.

    Consequently, this nervousness causes us to store tension and nerves until we reach the night, at which time it is so difficult for us to fall asleep.

    Once those first 30 days have passed, it is enough to apply the 4-7-8 technique twice, the first time when we get up and the second half an hour before going to sleep. Now, if at any time you find yourself very stressed or with a lot of anger accumulated by an argument, for example, do not hesitate to use it, as it will help you relax.


    Finally, it is important that to enjoy adequate sleep you also follow these tips:

    • Always follow the same times throughout the day: have lunch and dinner at the same times and apply the 4-7-8 technique at the same times.
    • Light dinner, two hours before going to sleep.
    • Take a relaxing shower before bed.
    • It is very important that, two hours before going to bed, you close laptops and mobile phones, whenever possible, since these screens act as stimulants and prevent us from getting adequate sleep.

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