4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Breaking Up With Your Partner

Lately you have a lot of problems with your partner ? Are you no longer comfortable with that person or do you just feel like the spark is gone? Has breaking up with your partner become an option? If you think the breakup is looming, first take the time to think about whether you can change things to have a better relationship.

All relationships change and it takes an open mind to see when it’s time to take a break and talk. Decide together which is the best path for both of you. Breaking up with your partner is not always the right solution. If you are not sure which way to go, ask yourself the following questions before making a decision.

1. Does that person and their relationship bring out the best in you?

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All people and relationships influence us in some way. The person you decide to have a relationship with should make you feel good. Does this relationship really fulfill it or do they spend their lives arguing or full of criticism and envy?

  • A symptom that you should break up with your partner is when that person generates insecurities or envies that you do not have at another time .
  • On the contrary, if it makes you feel safe, self-respecting, and inspires you to set new goals and achieve them, maybe it’s actually good to continue.

This question has a point where you should be careful: the one where the demand to be better is excessive. The key to understanding if that person is what you need is that they make you feel good.

There are couples toxic that drive you to be better through negative messages. However, there are also those for which you will never finish being good enough. In this sense, we could speak of a relationship with emotional violence that is better to conclude as soon as possible.

2. Why should you break up with your partner right now?

If the idea of ​​ending that relationship has come up in recent days, it is important that you analyze where that idea comes from. What things have changed in the last months, weeks or days that, suddenly, have led you to this question?

It seems like an obvious question and anyone would say it is because he is no longer happy. Does that really happen? What expectations did you have? What new people or situations are there in your life now?

If what happens is that, suddenly, you have realized that you no longer love him, it is worth ending the relationship. However, if there are other factors, you have to analyze their importance and if they are really worth it.

Among these you can find that a new person came into your life. It does not necessarily have to be an infidelity. Sometimes a person just comes in and dazzles us with their attentions or nice words.

Analyze if this implies that there is no longer love or that you need to put your feet on the ground, because you could get a good setback in this case.

Another situation that could lead you to think about breaking up with your partner is that it no longer matches your expectations.   Some people attach great importance to material things, like money or work, and once they grow up, they start looking for someone who is more “at their height.”

Think about whether these factors are really more important than the love that person offers you. The decision is yours alone but you will have to live with it.

3. Before breaking up with your partner: Is it possible to make any changes?

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Prior to end up With your partner remember that being with someone implies certain commitments. Following that idea, identify if there is a problem that is leading you to this decision.

Once you have it well defined, analyze if you could do something to change the situation or if it is necessary for your partner to do so. Then have a chat and see if you are willing to do so.

When there is a lot of love in a relationship, it is easy to make commitments that improve the situation and this leads to the point where you are happy together. If in the end they don’t succeed, at least they will end up knowing that they tried and can continue their lives in peace.

We recommend that you do not assume that your partner will make one or the other decision. Sometimes we think it is better to end because we do not see much interest in the other person. However, it could be that he is focused on other issues and may not have realized how bad things are.

4. Should I really break up with this person or do I just need to take time out?

Couple arguing

We all go through times when we need to spend time alone. However, there are those who believe that being in a relationship implies being together all day.

Before finishing with your partner, evaluate if what you need is not some time away from everything. In fact, it is advisable to do so before cutting off a relationship.

Do not be afraid to ask your partner for this, it is something normal and very healthy in every relationship. This decision might surprise them to find that the next time they see each other they will be happier and in love than ever. It is common for everyday life to bore us and we stop getting excited, but after a break, it is possible that the illusion will return.

In any case, remember that you can always consult with a couples therapist on these issues. Couples therapy can be of great help in certain cases.

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