Respiratory Allergies: What Are They?

First of all, it must be remembered that allergy is an exaggerated response of the body to certain substances that it recognizes as harmful. In the case of respiratory allergies, the response occurs when certain substances found in the air (such as pollen, house dust mites and animal hair) are inhaled.

The origin of respiratory allergy is a malfunction of the immune system, which identifies harmless substances as harmful and, therefore, overreacts to them. It is a chronic disease that can cause other complications.

What are the symptoms?

Once the allergens are inhaled, the main affected are the nose, eyes and, of course, the respiratory system in general. 

Seasonal allergy with rhinitis in women.

  • In the nose, the main complaints are the following:
    • Itchy throat / ears / nose.
    • Light-colored, watery mucus.
    • Nasal congestion.
    • Sneezing
  • In the eyes, the main complaints are the following:
    • Swelling in the eyelids (not in all cases).
    • Redness
    • Tearing
    • Itching
  • In the respiratory system (and more specifically, in the bronchi), the main discomforts are the following:
    • Difficulty breathing.
    • Feeling of suffocation
    • Chest tightness.
    • Wheezing

It is important to note that the duration, intensity and frequency of symptoms will depend on each case. Not all allergy sufferers react exactly the same to the same allergen, nor do they experience discomfort with the same frequency.

What are the most common allergens?

Allergens can vary depending on the geographic area where you live. For example, in more rural areas, an allergic person is more likely to experience symptoms than in more urban areas. However, this is not the only factor that must be taken into account.

It is also important to pay attention to the seasons, because although some allergens are present throughout the year, others only appear at certain times (such as pollen in spring); With which, even when living in the city, during the spring, in one way or another, pollen will be present in the air and then, it is possible that people suffer from the discomfort of respiratory allergies.

Respiratory allergies from exposure to a specific allergen

In some cases, only when the person is exposed to the allergen, the discomfort of respiratory allergies occurs; This could be the case of children who begin to sneeze, cough, feel stinging in the nose and throat, among others, when they visit a home where there is a pet (usually a cat or a dog); but then, as soon as they move away from the place (and, therefore, from the animal) the intensity of the symptoms decreases up to.

When faced with the symptoms of respiratory allergies, be alert

Asthma in a woman outdoors.

If you have symptoms such as: chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, etc. You should go to the doctor as soon as possible so that he can evaluate you and prescribe an appropriate treatment. This is very important since the symptoms mentioned could indicate that you suffer from asthma.

In case you have been diagnosed with allergic rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), you will know how undesirable the symptoms are (nasal and ocular congestion, itchy eyes and nose, sneezing) when you look for something in a room that has been closed for a long time, without ventilate or clean, when in contact with pets or when passing through a place where there are flowers.

Keep in mind that if this symptom is frequent and its intensity is increasing, you should consult your doctor. On the other hand, if in addition to the pharmacological treatment that you have prescribed, you want to try some natural remedies to alleviate the symptoms, you should first consult with the professional. Once they tell you if they are suitable (or not) for your case, it is best to follow their instructions, otherwise, you could aggravate the problem and suffer complications.

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