Losing Weight With The Mediterranean Diet

It is true that there are many types of diets. Maybe too many. But experts tell us that we should look for those that are healthier, those that in addition to helping us lose weight, provide us with  essential nutrients. The Mediterranean diet stands out as an excellent option that you cannot miss.

The Mediterranean diet is rich in protein, fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, whole grains, minerals, vitamins and, most importantly, it contains hardly any industrial sugars. It is also a very varied type of diet. Let’s see it in detail.

Why can the Mediterranean diet help me lose weight?

Mediterranean diet

  • First of all we have to say that he he Mediterranean diet does not respond directly to a method of losing weight in the strict sense. It is about maintaining very healthy eating habits where, thanks to its components and habits, we will regulate our weight, excluding everything that can make us gain weight, or even get sick. When compared with other diets, no higher weight loss values ​​are obtained according to the following review from 2016.
  • By this we mean that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial not only for us, but also for the whole family. In it, the basic principles of the food pyramid recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) are met.
  • The benefits of the Mediterranean diet lie in its excellent supply of healthy fats, only monounsaturated from olive oil, and fatty acids such as Omega 6.
  • It is the diet richest in antioxidants : fruits, nuts, vegetables and legumes …
  • Excellent supply of fiber. Fiber is an essential nutrient for proper gut health as published in the journal “The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.” 
  • Thanks to the Mediterranean diet we can reduce our blood cholesterol, protect ourselves from cardiovascular diseases and take care of our weight thanks to this balanced supply of nutrients where harmful fats for our body are excluded. A study published in the journal “The American Journal of Medicine” supports these claims.

What foods make up the Mediterranean diet?

To walk

  • Vegetables, dried fruits such as walnuts, legumes, fruits such as orange, lemon, melon, apples, grapes …
  • Olive oil as the main source of fat.
  • Fish such as tuna, salmon, cod …
  • Cereals and grains as the main sources of carbohydrates.
  • White meats are prioritized over red ones.

This balanced, varied and healthy diet is joined by equally beneficial lifestyle habits. The daily walk in the sun, thus absorbing the needed vitamin D, the importance of breakfast, eating with the family in a relaxed and calm way. .. habits that we sometimes neglect due to our obligations and that are an essential part of our health.

We recommend you read: The healthy benefits of eating slowly

Guidelines for complying with the Mediterranean diet

  • You must complete 5 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack and dinner. The goal is to eat balanced amounts five times a day and never in large quantities.
  • Never do without breakfast, it is essential that you obtain the necessary energy to start the day and to balance the contribution of the whole day.
  • Skip the butter. Always replace it with olive oil.
  • Dinners will be essentially vegetable based.
  • Do not exclude bread either, it is essential to provide us with fiber. Choose those of whole grain, being highly recommended those of rye or oats.
  • Spices are also highly recommended : oregano, basil, parsley … and garlic is essential.
  • Sweets are not allowed.
  • It is also advisable to drink two liters of water a day.

Examples of Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet

We give you three menu examples below. The following days you can make the combinations you want knowing which foods are the healthiest in the Mediterranean diet. It is important that you always eat at the same times, that fruits and vegetables are always fresh. Between meals, if you feel hungry, you can resort to dried fruits such as walnuts or pistachios. Also try to keep the fruit juices fresh and fresh. Do not forget to eat calmly, and walk at least an hour a day.

We recommend you read: 7 reasons why you should not miss breakfast

Menu 1


  • Orange juice, a whole wheat toast with tomato and serrano ham.


  • An Apple.


  • Lettuce, tomato and onion salad.
  • Baked breast with lemon and roasted potatoes
  • A yogurt


  • A cup of grapes.


  • Scrambled eggs with spinach with prawns.
  • Baked hake.
  • A yogurt

Menu 2


  • A cup of oatmeal with milk, walnuts and a plum.


  • A skimmed yogurt.


  • Pasta salad with tomatoes, basil, tuna, black olives, and olive oil.
  • Zucchini puree with oregano and pepper.


  • A banana


  • Baked aubergines stuffed with meat
  • A salad of lettuce and grated carrot.
  • A yogurt

Menu 3


  • Oatmeal drink, natural juice and a toast with guacamole.


  • A handful of nuts


  • Brown rice with mushrooms and grilled chicken
  • A lettuce salad with two orange slices.
  • A yogurt


  • 2 plums


  • Artichokes boiled with olive oil and a splash of vinegar.
  • Baked salmon with sweet potato

For you to keep in mind!

The Mediterranean diet can be very beneficial for health due to the variety of foods it allows.

The fact that it prioritizes fresh products over processed ones and its promotion of the consumption of fruits and vegetables makes it an excellent option to prevent the appearance of diseases in the medium and long term.

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