8 Tricks To Keep The Fridge Clean And Tidy

In order to have a clean and tidy refrigerator, you don’t have to be an expert in Tetris. In reality,  it is not about stacking products perfectly, but about knowing how to take advantage of the space. The objective is to be able to store everything where it can be better refrigerated. Also, that the air can circulate inside the refrigerator.

The first thing you have to take into account are the areas of the refrigerator: upper, central, lower shelves and door. In each of these areas, you will place a specific group of products so that they can be stored correctly.

It is inevitable not to have to empty the refrigerator for a moment and clean it thoroughly at some point. To do this, we will use a cloth with water and the product of our preference. However, it is recommended to opt for a neutral soap. Dish soap (cream or liquid) also works well.

However, there are many more products intended for this purpose. However, it is not advisable to abuse them, since food can absorb the chemicals.

Distribution is key

Once you have your refrigerator clean, the first thing you should do is place the products that are not so vulnerable to changes in temperature on the door.

The reason is very simple: at the door it is much more difficult for the cold to concentrate. Therefore, it is not the ideal place for products such as milk, for example. Instead, it is a good place for jam, sauces, honey, wines, mineral water and eggs.

There are certain tricks to keep your refrigerator clean and tidy.

Only dairy products, bread and delicatessen products are placed on the upper shelf.  Therefore, it should include: yogurts, milk, cheese, butter, ham, bread and the like.

The fruits and vegetables that we consume most frequently are located on the next shelf. You can also have the second shelf to put a container with some prepared food that will be consumed in the next few days.

However, meat and fish, as well as ice cream and ice cubes, are placed on the shelf with less daily use. And, of course,  only the food that needs to be preserved for more than 3 days, properly packaged, is kept in the freezer.

We can use post-its  or adhesive labels to record the date a product began to be refrigerated and when it will expire.

The importance of having a clean and tidy refrigerator

Although it may seem like a minimal question, it is necessary to know how to place the products and food in the refrigerator, since it will allow us to preserve everything much better and, of course, avoid saturating the shelves with elements placed at random. Herein lies part of the importance of having a clean and tidy refrigerator.

To begin with, it is important that we only buy what is necessary, or mold could appear in the food. According to this study carried out by the Universidad de Oriente (Cuba), this could be very harmful to our health.

On the other hand, our pocketbook. The reason is very simple: having a clean refrigerator, we will not be constantly buying products that we already have (forgotten in some corner). In other words, order and cleanliness represent considerable savings that will help us maintain the economy of the home. 

Tips for easy maintenance

Every so often it is necessary to clean our fridge.

  • Place a layer of absorbent paper or aluminum where you are going to place the vegetables. This way, pieces of husks, leaves and dirt remains will not adhere to the drawer or shelf. Also, we won’t have to clean stains in the future. We will only take care of replacing the paper from time to time.
  • Always check that the meats do not leave a trace of blood. It is one of the main causes of bad smell. Therefore, before placing the meat, we must supervise the packaging or the container and make sure that it does not leak.
  • Likewise, it is necessary to use containers, since they allow us to better visualize the space and take advantage of it. For example, the cream cheese container can be placed over yogurts.
  • Therefore, avoid using plates and pots since they take up space. It is preferable to resort to lunch boxes.
  • Also, avoid cluttering the shelves because you will not be able to clearly see what you have and what you don’t. Usually this happens when we finish making the purchase. If you have not yet opened the jar of the new jam, for example, it is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator.
  • Of course, to have a clean and tidy refrigerator, it  is necessary to monitor the food and discard the expired. 
  • Label items that may be confusing: for example, mayonnaise and yogurt dressing.
  • Look for a turntable, it can be a great ally to place a specific group of products.

We hope that these tricks will help you and soon you will begin to perceive the change. The rest of your family will surely notice the difference too!

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