How To Purify Water Correctly

Since water can contain various pollutants, in case of doubting its health, we will not use it even for washing, thus avoiding allergic reactions and other serious health problems. Health.

Although it is always better to consume water from a reliable source, sometimes we do not have that possibility. You may be thinking of an adventure trip or you may be interested in learning how to purify water correctly. We teach you some methods to purify water, although it must be borne in mind that they should only be used in case of extreme need.

What to know about water purification

As a first step, it is important to know that wherever you go, you should not forget to bring or buy bottled and drinkable water. If it runs out or you haven’t got it, then you could proceed to purify the one you have at your disposal.

When is it necessary to purify the water?

  • If it has been contaminated.
  • If it has a different taste, color or smell.
  • If transported in unhygienic containers.
  • If we take it from wells or tanks.

The methods to purify the water depend on several issues, namely:

  • The amount of water that we are going to treat.
  • The type of pollutant to which it was exposed.
  • What are the resources at hand.
  • How it will be stored after treatment.
  • What is it going to be used for?


It’s best to start by filtering the water or letting sediment settle to the bottom of a bottle or container. In this way, disinfection will be more efficient and simple.

Different techniques to purify water

It is worth clarifying that these methods do not work in the event that the water contains toxic substances such as waste from a factory or landfill. It should never be consumed or even used to wash clothes or bathe, as it can be the cause of:

  • Rashes
  • Poisonings
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Diarrhea and gastroenteritis.


    Some methods of water purification are:

    Filtering and disinfection

    Before starting you have to let the water settle for 2 hours. After that time it empties with the help of:

    • Option 1: A cloth filter.
    • Option 2: A natural filter made with a first layer of coarse sand, a second of charcoal, and a third of sand.

    In either case, you have to pour the water you want to purify on top of the filter so that the used elements act as “takers” for particles. If you are not sure of the effectiveness of these methods you can join them and put the fabric on top of the sand layer.

    Once you have done it, you can repeat it several times, continue the disinfection process choosing one of these alternatives :

    • Boil
    • Leave in direct sun for a few hours
    • Add the juice of half a lemon or lime


    With 3 pots

    This method allows solid material and microbes to settle to the bottom of the container as the water settles.

    Use a clay pot and follow these steps:

    • 1st day : Fill a jar with water, cover and leave for two days.
    • 2nd day : Fill the second jar with water, cover and let it rest for two days.
    • 3rd day : Empty the water from the first pot and pour it into the third pot.

    Make sure the sediment remains on the bottom and does not go into the new pot. Disinfect this water using one of the 4 techniques used in the previous process.

    Wash the first pot and add water again, cover and set for 2 days.

    • 4th day : Repeat the procedure on the 3rd day but with the second pot.

      Following this plan you will have water for consumption every day. Only the first time will you have to wait the relevant 48 hours.

      With plants

      This is very common in many places. Moringa or horseradish seeds are usually the most used for this process. It is a technique of choice in East Africa, the Philippines, India, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic.

      To make 20 liters of water drinkable, 15 seeds are needed. Steps we must follow:

      • Let the seeds dry in the sun for 3 days.
      • Grind the seeds with a mortar to form a powder.
      • Add a little water  to make a paste.
      • Add to the water you want to purify.
      • Stir well for about 10 minutes as hard as possible.
      • Cover and let stand until the water settles.
      • At 2 hours, empty into a container using a fine cloth filter.


      Solar disinfection

      In those places where the sun’s rays are present for several hours a day, they are used to kill the microorganisms in the water that can cause many diseases. It is an inexpensive, easy, simple method that does not require too much work.

      Depending on the incidence of the sun, the result is similar to the process of boiling water to purify it.

      You need:

      • Transparent 1.5 liter glass bottles.
      • The water that you want to purify and that is not too cloudy.

      Plastic bottles are the ones that work in this case because they allow sunlight to enter well.

      • Fill up to ¾ full.
      • Cover and shake as hard as possible for 20 seconds.
      • Uncover and pour water to complete the 1.5 liters.
      • Put it in a place where it receives direct light at least 6 hours a day and where the wind does not have an impact.
      • Do this treatment in the morning and remove in the afternoon.
      • Leave in a place where they can cool off inside the house or in the shade.
      • Filter with a cloth cloth.

      Other techniques


      • Boiling is the simplest and most known method of purifying water properly. You simply have to put it in a saucepan and boil it for several minutes.
      • For greater security, you can let it cool down and then add 4 drops of bleach for each liter of water.
      • There are also effervescent tablets that serve to remove harmful particles from the water. Those with iodine are not suitable for pregnant women.

      Be that as it may, never consume water of which you are not totally convinced of its origin. Fortunately, the possibilities of acquiring bottled water are increasing, so when in doubt, do not hesitate and buy what you need.

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