Doing The Same Will Always Give You The Same Results

Instead of blaming external conditions, to change something we too must stop doing the same and not just complain

Doing the same thing continuously always gives the same results. When problems arise, people’s routine becomes complicated, or oneself is involved in difficult situations, people can vent in various ways.

They can complain, and blame the way the events themselves unfold. Or even get to blame the people who are around. Avoiding self-blame is a defense mechanism. If the person himself is not guilty of what is happening, it is easier to feel good about yourself. Therefore, the simple thing is not to assume reality.

It is curious that, on many occasions, not only is reality not assumed, but also the  exact same thing that has been done is continued. Only at the moment in which reality is assumed and motivation is found to initiate a change, can the search for a solution truly begin. Or a new path, but always driven by the same person.

Man sitting waiting

The change is in our hands

The change is not outside, but within ourselves. Only by assuming the reality of each situation can you begin to find ways to solve problems. If we wait for others to act the way we would like, or wait for life itself to change, no goal will ever be achieved.

Delegating possible guilt or responsibility for a problem to others is delegating at the same time the possibility of finding a solution to it.

It is also important to be realistic and recognize that we will not be able to change the world.  It is about being aware of the true capacity for action in each situation. And in this way, deciding to initiate a change since staying in the same position, effectively, will always give the same results.

Do the same in relationships

Relationships are a very clear example of how to do the same, make the same mistakes, it will not bear different results. What are the most frequent problems we encounter? Why do we have the same problems despite changing partners?

Again, in the first place you have to reflect on the extent to which the fault lies in external factors or derives from yourself.

Living as a couple, in particular, can be really complex. Relationships must have a firm foundation of trust and respect. As well as understanding and empathy. Which means that you have to know how to give in, you have to be able to understand the feelings of the couple, listen and act according to the circumstances.

Once you have been able to understand the reality of the situations and the problems of your partner through dialogue, you must check your own capacity for action and initiate the appropriate changes. 

Tips to improve communication in the couple.

We have to do self-criticism in order to see how we can change our attitudes and generate changes around us. Because, as mentioned above, the change is in us. Only through change itself can the outside begin to change.

Small attitudes to stop doing the same

The psychological process to begin to initiate changes in life is not always going to be easy. Many times, the motivation and effort required to start the procedure must be constant and of quality. But the results, finally, if you continue working on it, will be effective.

It is possible to seek professional help to find a suitable method with which to work on this motivation. It is about little by little, with constancy, finding solutions to problems in oneself. At first, you don’t need to set yourself big goals or unattainable results at first glance. You can start with small objectives that, when carried out, give way to larger objectives.

The most important thing is to fixate on the idea of ​​stopping doing the same thing. Motivate yourself to change. At the rate that each person needs, in some areas or others, but modify behavior.

We produce the change with our actions. If we stay still mired in old behavior patterns, the situations and problems will also continue the same.

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