Ways To Stop Mulling Over A Thought

Physical exercise is one of the best ways to clear your mind. If a thought overwhelms you or prevents you from continuing with your usual routine, go for a walk to clear yourself

Turning a thought over is something we’ve all done at one time or another. Not being able to stop ruminating on a breakup, something we have said, what happened to us at work … These thoughts that we will call obsessive have a lot to do with a “not overcoming” what has happened in the past, which can be immediate or not.

Getting rid of these thoughts is complicated, but not impossible. Therefore, today we will provide some tips to get rid of those obsessive thoughts that limit us and prevent us from enjoying life.

Stop mulling over a thought

Start moving

running Man

The best way to stop thinking about a thought is to get out of where we are. Many times, walking, if possible, through nature, is a very good option.

It is not essential that we go accompanied, alone is much better. In this way, we will allow those thoughts to flow, to come to our mind, and to be released.

Walking will allow us to clarify our thoughts. It will also help us to see in perspective everything that our mind addresses and that there is no point in continuing to ruminate, because does it have any solution?

The futility of thoughts

As we said, when we turn to a thought it is that it has no possible way out. However, as it affects us, we retain it, catch it, and chew it over and over again.

Turning over a thought will generate a lot of anxiety that will increase, because we are left thinking about something that we keep well present when, in reality, it has been left behind.


It is a way of suffering, of hurting ourselves and of not walking forward. For this reason, reflecting on what the use of what I am thinking while walking can clearly indicate the way out.

Do we do what we like?

Turning over a thought has devastating consequences. Suddenly, we do not enjoy what we do, we do not dedicate time to what we like and we begin to withdraw into ourselves.

Without realizing it, we lock ourselves in our comfort zone and there we get trapped in our own mind.

To begin to get out of this vicious circle, it is important to go for a walk and then think about what we like and do it without regard.


Let’s think that tomorrow we will not have any opportunity, that it has to be today.

Go to a museum, to the movies, to a party, go out with friends, whatever! But let’s not put it off. In this way, we will begin to enjoy life again.

The mindfulness can help

The practice of mindfulness has great benefits to stop thinking about it.

  • Thanks to it, our anxiety is reduced and we begin to observe our thoughts while we learn to let go of them.
  • Analyzing the same situation over and over again will not benefit us. It will be like the fish that bites its tail.

This happens because our emotions take on a special role and lead us to that maelstrom of thoughts that have no other purpose than to make us suffer.

Let’s ask for help

ask for help

If it is taking us a lot of effort to get out of this, it may be because we have some kind of bigger problem, like a dependency, for example.

Asking for help never hurts and so we will make sure to do a check-up on our mind, which needs it as well as our physical health.

We may discover deficiencies or other types of problems that we did not think we had and that are affecting us.

It is not silly to think of asking for help if turning over a thought prevents us from getting out of bed, working, being productive, and enjoying life.

The mind is not an easy thing to master. In fact, the more control we want to exert over the ideas that appear through it, the more lack of control arises from all this.

It is important that we realize what you want to tell us, its purpose and its usefulness.

And it is that  most of these thoughts have only one objective: to make us suffer more.

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