8 Things You Should Clean Every Day

Do you know that there are things that you should clean every day? In our home we have a wide variety of objects that, although we do not always notice it, accumulate dust, bacteria and other particles that can be harmful.

While we run some cleaning tasks every day, we sometimes overlook that certain items require special attention because they get infected more easily.

The most worrying thing is that many times we use them daily, ignoring that they can contain microorganisms that cause infections or unwanted reactions.

For this reason, below we want to share the top 8 and some ecological tips to disinfect them without using chemicals.

Do not miss it!

1. Kitchen cloths

Kitchen cloths

The towels or kitchen towels are items that must be cleaned every day, not so much for aesthetics, but for health reasons.

These elements make contact with food residues and surfaces that are often sources of viruses and bacteria.

Cleaning tip

  • Pour some white vinegar into a bucket of hot water and soak the cloths for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse them as usual and air dry them.

2. Kitchen sink

Another thing that you should clean every day is the sink. Its contact with food residues, soap residues and other products make it the ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

Therefore, if you want to prevent your dishes or food from being contaminated later, make sure to disinfect it after each use.

Cleaning tip

  • Squeeze several lemons and drizzle the juice over the surface of the sink.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes and rinse.

3. Kitchen and shower sponges


Although they are objects that we use for cleaning, this is another of the things that we should clean every day since they accumulate waste that can create an environment conducive to the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Kitchen sponges retain grease and food residues, while shower sponges accumulate dead cells and soap.

Cleaning tip

  • Dip the sponges in a bowl of hot water and baking soda.
  • Let them soak for 20 minutes, rinse them and put them to dry.

4. Chopping boards

To leave the boards free of bacteria, it is not enough to spray them with soap and water. Although this form of cleaning removes food debris and odors, it is important to disinfect it thoroughly with antibacterial products.

Cleaning tip

  • Sprinkle the surface of the board with salt, then rub it with half a lemon.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes and rinse it off with hot water.

5. Shower tiles


It is common to notice dark stains on your shower tiles. These originate from the growth of bacteria and mold that achieve a perfect environment on its surface.

Its daily cleaning avoids this problem and, in addition, removes the remains of lime that the water leaves in its wake.

Cleaning tip

  • Make a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar and spray it on the tiles.
  • Let it act for 5 minutes and remove the excess with a microfiber cloth.

6. Makeup brushes

Do you usually clean your brushes sporadically? The problem is that, although it is not noticeable, they accumulate dead cells, bacteria and impurities that affect the health of the skin.

It is very important to disinfect them every day, especially if you have sensitive skin or acne.

Cleaning tip

  • Pour some rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle and spray it on the brushes.
  • Air dry them.
  • Optionally, submerge them in a container with water and liquid soap.

7. Switches


You most likely never think about how many bacteria accumulate on the switches. The truth is that, due to the continuous contact we have with them, they are  an important source of microorganisms.

Cleaning tip

  • Dampen a cloth with white vinegar and wipe each switch.

8. Mobile phones or tablets

The screens of mobiles and tablets contain many bacteria that we cannot see with the naked eye. Since we touch them repeatedly, little by little they accumulate dirt and microbes that can expose health.

Cleaning tip

  • Combine equal parts of distilled water with white vinegar and rub it on the screen of the devices with the help of a soft microfiber cloth.
  • You can also make a disinfectant solution with the mixture of 60% water and 40% isopropyl alcohol.

How many of these things that you should clean every day have you not noticed? Now that you know some tricks to keep them sanitized, take a few minutes to clean them daily.

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