Techniques To Relax And Feel Good

The breathing exercises are one of the most common techniques to relax. They will help you calm down and also combat the physical symptoms of anxiety, stress, and muscle tension.

Deep, calm abdominal breathing will not only help you oxygenate your body, it will help you lower your heart rate and control the physical symptoms of anxiety.

It is a useful and very simple technique that anyone can do. However, the techniques we describe here are only useful to relax you. If they do not succeed and / or you also have other problems, it is best that you go to a mental health professional who will be able to help you better.

Relax your muscles

To begin these techniques to relax, you should find a warm and quiet place. A space where no one can interrupt you and where you can perform the exercises calmly and without haste.

Lie down on a bed or sit in a chair. You should feel comfortable enough to work all muscle groups and relax completely.

Yoga class for muscle relaxation.

Tense your muscles as much as possible while you inhale. Then relax them completely as you exhale. You can start by doing the exercise by concentrating on your breathing, so that you breathe slowly. Then start the muscle exercises, working the different muscle groups.

Repeat the routine for each muscle 3-4 times. When you have relaxed your muscles, compare the difference in how you feel when you are relaxed compared to when your muscles are tight. If you do this routine daily, or at least four days a week, you will find that your stress level decreases.

Now, we are going to show you how to relax different muscle groups. Pay close attention and don’t hesitate to put them into practice.

1. Face

Frown and lower your eyebrows as far as you can, for a few seconds and then relax. Then, raise your eyebrows as much as possible and then relax. To continue, clench your jaw for a few seconds and relax your muscles again.

2. Neck

To do this exercise, you must put your head back. Then roll it slowly and gently from side to side. Finally, relax your neck again.

Woman stretching her neck.

3. Hands

Squeeze one hand tightly for a few seconds while you breathe in. Your forearm muscles should feel tense and relax as you exhale. Repeat later with the other hand.

4. Arms

To perform this exercise, bend your elbow and tense all the muscles in your arm for a few seconds as you inhale. Then you should relax it while you exhale. Repeat the same with the other arm.

5. Chest, stomach and buttocks

Do each of the exercises separately. Take a deep breath and hold your muscles tight for a few seconds. Then you just have to relax and breathe slowly again.

6. Legs

Rest your legs on the floor, bend your feet and toes towards your face as hard as you can, and then relax.

Techniques to relax: deep breathing

Deep breathing is a powerful and simple technique to relax. Plus, it can be practiced anywhere and provides a quick way to get stress and anxiety levels under control.

The key to deep breathing is to always do it from the abdomen. This way you can fill your lungs with as much fresh air as possible.

Woman doing breathing exercises

In order to do this simple exercise, you must sit up straight and place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. You will see how when you breathe in through the nose, the hand on the stomach should rise and the hand should only move very little on your chest. You must do it, yes slowly.

Then, you should exhale through your mouth, pushing as much air as you can, while contracting your abdominal muscles. The hand on your stomach should move as you exhale, but the other hand should barely move.

To perform this breathing exercise you can also lie down with a book on your stomach. You will see how the book rises when inhaling and descends when exhaling.

These are all simple techniques to relax you. When you see that the situation begins to overcome you, put them into practice. You will see how in a few minutes you regain your peace of mind and you feel much better.

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