8 Foods To Avoid If You Suffer From Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural reaction of the body when some types of viruses and bacteria cause infections. After detecting pathogens, the release of a series of chemicals is triggered. These together with the white blood cells, inhibit their proliferation to avoid serious diseases.

However, there is a wide variety of autoimmune pathologies. Even without any particular threat, they cause an imbalance in inflammatory processes.

As a consequence, in the most severe cases, internal tissue damage occurs, the joints become stiffer, and the risk of abnormal cell growth increases. In addition, recurrent chronic pain and other uncomfortable symptoms appear. Many of them significantly affect the quality of life.

The most worrying thing is that many habits, especially dietary ones, tend to worsen this condition due to their composition and effects on the body. Next we want to share the 8 foods that are best to avoid in the face of inflammatory problems.

1. Dairy products

Consume dairy

Milk, cheese, and other dairy products have become one of the main enemies of patients with inflammation disorders.

It is estimated that at least 40% of the world’s population suffers from lactose intolerance or allergy.  A condition that triggers imbalances in the digestive system. However, it is only advisable to remove this type of food product if a specialist has diagnosed you with an intolerance.

Otherwise it is best to include them in the usual diet. It should be noted that many intestinal discomforts derived from dairy consumption depend on the interactions between them and a microbiota with a low degree of health. The processes of intestinal dysbiosis are closely related to lactose malabsorption.

Its consumption is related to problems such as:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Urticaria.
  • Breathing difficulties.

2. Margarine

Margarine contains a high concentration of trans fats and hydrogenated oils. These, upon reaching the body, cause metabolic disorders and inflammatory conditions, as stated in an article published in the journal “Progress in Lipid Research”.

This product contains a high calorie content that can adversely affect obese and overweight patients. Also, since many refined presentations contain added substances, it could stimulate the production of chemicals that increase the inflammatory response.

3. Cured and processed meats

Processed meats

Cured and processed meats have become an easy alternative to enjoy a wide variety of dishes. The problem is that they are rich in salt, nitrates, nitrites, and other chemicals. Although they are kept fresh, they are potent inflammatory related to the appearance of autoimmune diseases.

This, added to its fat content, worsens symptoms of disorders such as arthritis, muscle pain, and bone disease. In addition, the consumption of processed meats is related to an increased risk of developing complex diseases in the medium and long term, according to a study published in the journal “Oncotarget”.

4. Refined vegetable oils

Refined vegetable oils have invaded the market. In this way, they are increasingly present in people’s usual diet.

Although they are obtained from plant sources such as soybeans or palm, their high content of omega 6 fatty acids can negatively influence inflammation.

  • Yes indeed. It should be noted that oils such as olive and canola (rapeseed) have omega 3 fatty acids. These, on the contrary, are beneficial in controlling these problems.

5. Salt

The salt

It is estimated that more than 90% of the population ingest an excessive amount of salt. Well above what is recommended for health.

Although this substance is necessary for some body functions, its excesses are linked to fluid retention in the tissues.  Which is one of the factors that influence the appearance of inflammatory diseases.

Ingesting it even increases the risk of hypertension and problems in the circulatory system.

6. Fried foods

Fried foods and packaged meals are high in trans fat and added compounds that disrupt metabolism and inflammation.

These not only increase body weight, but also hinder the digestion process. They also increase the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries and its oxidation.

On the other hand, they worsen the ailments in patients with arthritis and bone diseases.

7. Refined flours

dough with flour, inflammation is

Refined flours are those that have been subjected to a series of industrial processes in which they lose their fiber.

They are present in foods such as pizza, cakes and all kinds of pastries. However,  it is a dangerous enemy for those struggling with bloating. In fact, many are intolerant to its compounds and, after ingesting them, they have allergic reactions and ailments.

8. Carbonated drinks

Soda and carbonated drinks have many negative health effects. Not only for its chemical content but for its high contribution of refined sugars.

In addition to being quite addictive, they have high levels of carbon dioxide, the intake of which makes the digestion process difficult.  They also increase heartburn and bloating.

Cut back on certain foods to avoid inflammation

In conclusion, we are used to eating the aforementioned foods on a regular basis. However, it is best to limit its consumption to avoid the risk of inflammatory problems.

In addition, if you are suffering from any, it is best to suppress them completely to avoid all kinds of complications.

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