Learn To Live With Some People And Survive Without Others

The people we love are not always going to be by our side. For this reason, it is important to also learn to live with those we like least.

Life is like a train ride. We stop at countless stations, people we don’t know get on and colleagues we love, suddenly get off or change their route. Given these circumstances, learning to live with some people and to survive without others seems like a challenge that sooner or later we will find ourselves.

Because there will be interactions that we will have to know how to deal with. And in the meantime, there will be those who will leave, so the challenge, then, will be to live without them. We invite you to reflect on this below. If you are interested, keep reading.

How to live with some people

Living with some people is important.

Sometimes living with some people can be more difficult. If their views, values, or lifestyle are different from our own, it may be more difficult for us to fit in or connect with them.

Despite this, sometimes the only viable option is to hold on, since these are encounters that take place in the same family, community or in the workplace. That is, they are situations in which getting away is usually rather difficult or something almost fictitious.

However, if what we want is to maintain emotional balance, perhaps the healthiest alternative is to try to establish cordial relationships and accept the ‘other’.

For example, it may not be necessary to change seats every time someone bothers us. Admitting that others are the way they are, with their flaws and their virtues, is also an act of maturity and tolerance.

Thus, although the feeling is non-existent in certain social contacts, the norm does not consist of escaping or running away in those situations. Moreover, it is likely that if we try to face them with patience and a certain emotional ‘distance’, we will take more than one lesson or several learnings.

How to survive without others

In addition to supporting those people with whom we barely get along, there is the challenge of surviving without those who contribute and enrich us so much.

Parents, partners, friends… All of them can get off the train at some point. When that happens, the emptiness they leave is often difficult to cope with. We are in pain and sorry for that loss.

It is a natural process that, inevitably, is part of this journey through life. Over time we may understand that this will be a frequent event, even if it causes us suffering and is beyond our control.

The idea may seem frivolous, but the journey will be based on learning to accept that there will be those who will enter and many others who will leave the wagon. But why is it so hard for us to admit it? Why do we resist believing that, after all, we walk alone?

Apart from the reasonable attachment that we establish with significant others, perhaps these difficulties have to do with the discomfort that uncertainty causes in human beings. It is true that we get used to a certain order. Therefore, when it is disturbed, it is common to experience fear.

They are all common emotions in these kinds of events. But as the stops progress, the episodes will be repeated and, with it, the variety of experiences through which we have passed will increase significantly.

In those cases, we will recognize that the sadness is there, but we will also know that living with it will be another challenge. We will think about the good memories, we will look for support around us and we will continue walking. Because the journey continues …

Living with some people can be difficult.

Living with some people? Survive without others?

Have you ever faced these situations? Having to live with some people you can barely put up with? See yourself in the position of surviving without others?

These are the most common circumstances and they come to put us to the test on more than one occasion.

However, it seems that the key is to ‘accept’. That is, in admitting that there will be those who like us more and others who much less. It is even possible that those we like so much will leave …

However, it seems that what we can control is little, except the steps themselves. What do you think? What do you feel on your trip?

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