Why Should You Eat Nuts?

As long as we do it in moderation and not in excessive amounts, the consumption of nuts can be very beneficial for general health and especially cardiovascular.

Consuming nuts as part of a balanced diet can be very beneficial for our health. However, it has caused controversy for many years. While for many they are the perfect complement to their diet, others consider them to be caloric bombs that can affect body weight.

Large portions represent a significant source of fat, which can indeed make you fat. However, when eaten in moderation, its essential nutrients are very beneficial to the body. In fact, nowadays they are recommended as a healthy snack to control those repetitive episodes of anxiety about food that usually ruin the diet. In addition, they are attributed other important benefits for which it is worth incorporating them as a complement to the eating plan.

What makes them so healthy? Why are they considered of high nutritional value? This time we want to share in detail its properties and some of the most recommended varieties.

Nutritional properties of nuts

Why eat nuts.

Nuts are high-calorie foods. However, they are also a source of important nutrients that can be very beneficial for physical and mental health.

When consuming nuts it is important to do so without salting, frying or roasting. Its natural consumption is the one that supposes a true nutritional contribution, guaranteeing the obtaining of its benefits.

In general, these foods are sources of:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
  • Dietary fiber.
  • Vitamins A, B and E.
  • Minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron).
  • Plant sterols.
  • L-arginine.

What amount of nuts is considered healthy?

A dried fruit is made up of up to 80% fat. Although most of this fat is considered healthy, it is still a high source of calories.

For this reason, although these foods are classified as healthy, their consumption should be moderate, in portions that do not exceed a small handful (1.5 ounces).

  • The ideal is to consume nuts as substitutes for saturated fat sources. Since they contain polyunsaturated fats, they are ideal for promoting the elimination of harmful lipids such as bad cholesterol (LDL). This is evidenced by a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Nuts that you should add to your diet

Apparently it doesn’t matter what variety of nuts you choose to eat. Most are made up of high-quality nutrients that, once assimilated, contribute to improved health.


They contain starches, sucrose and a high concentration of fatty acids. They are considered one of the best nuts, since they promote cholesterol control and take care of cardiovascular health in general.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts stand out for their contributions of antioxidant minerals, fiber, and amino acids.

Its consumption should be controlled, but it can be useful to support the diet and inhibit the negative effects of free radicals.


Hazelnut nuts.

Due to their contribution of folic acid, they are a highly recommended food for pregnant women.

They help prevent heart disease and, thanks to their fiber, prolong the feeling of fullness, according to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


They come from a legume plant, but are known as dried fruit. They provide folic acid, proteins of high biological value and isoflavones. They are recommended to take care of heart health and prevent anemia.

Macadamia nuts

They have become popular as a heart-healthy fruit. Its essential nutrients promote the functioning of the heart and facilitate the control of cholesterol levels.

It should be borne in mind that they stand out for their content in omega 3 series acids. These compounds have been shown to be able to help control inflammation in the body.


Pistachio nuts.

They are ideal for calming hunger between main meals. They contain antioxidants and healthy fats that lower the risk of chronic or degenerative diseases.


They are characterized because almost half of their composition is made up of carbohydrates.

Its fat composition is similar to that of cereals and, therefore, it differs greatly from other varieties of nuts.

  • They are recommended for slimming diets because they contain fewer calories and are very filling.

Tips for consuming nuts

Because of its delicious flavor, nuts can be included in multiple ways in the regular eating plan. The essential thing is to know how to control the portions so that your intake does not represent a problem in the diet.

  • The most appropriate thing is to eat them in their natural state, without chemical additives or salt.
  • Nuts can be consumed in creams or butters, although they are less recommended. They continue to provide nutrients, but their number of calories rises.
  • It is also fashionable to take advantage of them through flours or vegetable milk. However, it must be borne in mind that when combined with other ingredients, they increase calories and vary their properties.

Still do not include them in your diet? Choose the variety that you like the most and take advantage of its properties.

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