3 Exercises To Gain More Flexibility In The Legs

To have more flexibility in the legs, it is necessary to perform exercises to enhance this physical capacity, which also becomes very important as the years go by.

Unlike other physical abilities such as endurance or strength, flexibility begins to decline early in life. This, of course, has consequences for the muscles and joints. But don’t worry, here we will share with you some simple exercises that will allow you to increase flexibility in your legs.

Physical training is not only good for looking good, but also for maintaining good leg health. Putting the body in motion has many health benefits and, over time, it allows you to better cope with aging.

What is flexibility and what advantages does it offer?

Flexibility is the ability by which the muscles of the body lengthen and adapt to different degrees of joint movement with the greatest possible range. Each body has its limits and its particular skills.

Stretching after exercise.

Flexibility is a quality that you develop, not a gift you get while watching television series. Nor is it a skill that improves with the time you spend lamenting your stiffness. It is achieved by acting!

The importance of this ability lies in the fact that it allows the person to move in a functional way and thus be able to carry out the tasks that they want or need. The problem is that, as a study published by the National Strength & Conditioning Association explains a person loses between 20% and 30% of their flexibility after 30 years of age.

For the sports population, flexibility is also key. According to a study published by BMJ , stretching before and after training helps lower the risk of certain injuries and prevents post-exercise muscle soreness.

However, as a Mayo Clinic publication indicates, stretching should not be viewed as a warm-up in itself, as you could injure yourself if you stretch a cold muscle. This article recommends following these guidelines:

  • Take a 5-10 minute walk, jog, or bike ride before stretching as part of a pre-workout warm-up or competition.
  • Focus on the major muscle groups and those that you are going to demand the most.
  • Make smooth movements without bouncing.
  • Maintain a smooth breath and do not strain the muscle too much ; stretching shouldn’t hurt.

Stretching exercises to improve flexibility in the legs

Here are some tips to improve leg flexibility through three effective and easy-to-perform stretching exercises.

1. Touch your feet without bending your knees

Woman and man stretching their legs with hands on the floor

  • Take a deep breath, stand up straight, and bring your heels together. If you prefer, you can have them slightly separated. Do it the way you feel most comfortable.
  • Contract your abdomen. Inhale through your nose and stretch your arms towards the sky, vertically. Then, gently arch your back, always taking care of your posture.
  • Straighten your back again and breathe out through your nose as you lower forward. Try to get your hands to your feet while keeping your knees straight. If you don’t get it, don’t worry, over time you will gain elasticity.
  • Hold the pose for at least 30 seconds while working on your breath. Inhale again and return to the starting position.

2. Butterfly exercise

  • Sit on the floor, preferably on a yoga mat or towel.
  • Bring the soles of your feet together in front of you and use both hands to hold them together, as shown on the cover.
  • Raise and lower your knees gently, like the flapping of a butterfly. Leave your torso upright and allow your hands to continue to wrap around your feet to hold them together.
  • For five seconds, lower and raise your knees as you breathe. If you’re comfortable, you can tilt your head down at the rate your knees drop. Try to get the forehead as close to the feet as possible.

    3. Stretch your legs sitting on the floor

    Stretching on yoga blanket

    • Like the previous exercise, this one is also done sitting on the floor.
    • The first thing you should do is spread your legs to the sides as much as possible and leave them straight.
    • Inhale with your right torso and bring your arms towards the sky. Then exhale while bringing your torso towards one of your legs; stretch as if you were trying to touch the foot. The important thing is that you do not bend your knee or bend your head sharply.
    • Take a deep breath and gently return to your center. Now, repeat the whole process with the other leg.

    Be consistent to gain flexibility in your legs

    The body adapts to the stimuli that we present to it little by little. Therefore, we should not expect flexibility to improve overnight. And it is not the important thing either, since the idea is to keep it to maintain functionality and mobility over time.

    As you can see, the exercises are very simple and are inspired by different yoga postures. This, in addition to increasing flexibility in your legs, will make you feel more relaxed and with greater vitality. It is a good opportunity to meditate a little and get out of the hectic of the routine!

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