Treatment With Lentils, Potato And Honey To Remove Body Hair

The mixture of lentils, potato and salt is presented as a hair removal treatment that would not irritate the skin. But is it effective?

Can you imagine using only food to remove body hair? On the internet, there are all kinds of recipes that promise to eliminate it in a single pass. .. or at least, in a short time and without the need to resort to wax or, in many cases, the typical razor.

On this occasion, we will tell you how to prepare a mixture based on lentils, potatoes and honey that is among the most recommended to achieve body waxing in a natural way.

Treatment with lentils, potatoes and honey


The reality is that after having investigated, we have not been able to find any type of scientific basis that explains the reason for this combination. As always, we suggest applying this home remedy with caution and at the slightest discomfort, rinse the area and avoid its use.

Now, if there is no scientific data to support its use, why is this treatment recommended in so many places? It is true that there is no information on the use of the three ingredients as depilators, but there is information on their beneficial properties for the skin.

An in vitro study , for example, found that the potato has an anti-inflammatory effect that would alleviate diseases that cause inflammation. Thus, we could infer that it would serve to alleviate the pain produced by hair removal.

For its part, lentils have antioxidant properties that would help prevent premature aging and different degenerative diseases, according to data from research published by the International Journal of Molecular Sciences .

Finally, honey is famous for its many health benefits. Among them, its antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects stand out. However, we have not found information regarding its action on hair.


To prepare this home treatment to remove body hair, you only need 3 ingredients that, surely, we all have at home. Therefore, take into account the following measures:

  • 2 tablespoons of lentils (30 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g).
  • 1 potato

Two more tips before continuing. On the one hand, you are better off choosing yellow lentils. On the other hand, the size of the potato is not important; you just have to make sure it is in good condition.

In addition to these 3 ingredients, we will need water. Also, if we wanted, we could include 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of lemon to the mixture, but this would not be necessary. With the lentils, potatoes and honey it would be enough.


Once we have everything ready, it is time to get down to work to create the treatment to remove body hair. To do this, you have to follow these simple steps:

  • We will put the yellow lentils in a container and add water until they are covered. We will let them sit like this overnight.
  • The next morning, we will strain the lentils and put them in a food processor to get a paste.
  • When the lentils have formed a dough, we will add the potatoes and honey.
  • We will mix all of this back in the food processor. And then the body hair removal treatment is ready!

Something we have to bear in mind is that, when adding the potato, the food processor may find it difficult to integrate all the ingredients. Also, the lentil paste can become too compact and if we choose a large potato, it could be difficult to get a good result.

In these cases,  instead of the tuber we can use the potato juice. To do this, we just have to put the potato with a little water in a mixer or blender and beat it. Thus, it will be much easier to integrate it with the rest of the ingredients.

How to apply the treatment to remove body hair

Once we have prepared the natural treatment to remove body hair, we must apply it in the appropriate way for it to take effect. Here are some recommendations:

  • In a container, we will put all the mixture that we have prepared. As we have said, in addition to honey, if we wish, we can add lemon, although it is not necessary.
  • We will take a little of the mixture and apply it to the place where we want to remove the hair. For example, we can apply it to one of the armpits. At the moment, we should not rub. We will simply put the mixture on the area and let it rest for about 15 minutes.
  • In case some hair remains when removing the mixture, we can leave it for up to 30 more minutes. Ideally, we wait for it to dry.
  • When we see that it is already dry, then we can rub the mixture over the area. Afterwards, we will rinse with warm water.
  • If not all the hairs come out, nothing happens. This treatment, in principle, should not irritate the skin and, therefore, we could apply it as many times as necessary.
  • When we know how long to leave it on the skin to achieve a perfect hair removal, we will no longer have to put it on repeatedly.

Do food treatments work to remove body hair?

The answer to this question is not simple. On the internet, it is possible to find all kinds of opinions that assure the effectiveness of this home remedy for waxing. However, no scientific study has supported it.

Our recommendation is to be careful with it if you want to try it and if you feel discomfort, itching or see redness in the area, rinse with plenty of fresh water and discontinue use. When in doubt, it is best to approach the doctor.

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