With These 5 Ecological Products Your White Garments Will Be Shiny

Washing white clothes is a tiring and tedious task that can take up valuable time when we don’t have what is necessary to remove stains on hand.

Although at first it is easy to remove the traces of dirt and sweat, little by little  they deteriorate and absorb substances that are difficult to remove.

The problem is that this affects the quality of their fabrics and forms a yellowish tinge that makes them look old shortly after acquiring them.

Due to this, we resort to a wide variety of whitening products that, after being applied, return its natural and shiny tone.

However, many of the options on the market are too expensive or are made with aggressive chemicals that affect the environment and health.

For this reason today we want to share some ecological methods that, with natural ingredients, allow us to achieve similar results without exposing ourselves. Take note!

1. Garments sparkling with fresh lemon juice


Lemon juice contains bleaching substances that make it easier to remove dust, sweat or food stains.

It is very gentle on delicate silk or lace garments and also helps to enhance color.


  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice (250 ml).
  • 2 liters of water.

What should you do?

  • Bring the two liters of water to a boil and add the fresh lemon juice.
  • Dip the stained garment in the liquid and let it soak for two hours.
  • After this time, rub the affected parts and introduce it in the common wash cycle.

2. Table salt

Although table salt is not very advisable for the diet, it can be used as a household bleach for clothes.

Its application on the fabrics helps to remove the percutaneous and the marks of sweat.


  • 1 tablespoon of salt (10 g).
  • The juice of ½ lemon.

What should you do?

  • Moisten the salt with the juice of half a lemon and apply it on the stained parts of the garment.
  • Let it work for 30 minutes, scrub it with a brush and rinse as usual.

3. White vinegar

White vinegar

White vinegar is one of the best alternative products to wash and soften clothes without the need for chemicals.

Its acidic composition helps to eliminate dust stains, sauces, ink and sweat.

It also neutralizes odors in the armpit and neck areas, and kills bacteria that proliferate by absorbing moisture.


  • 1 cup of white vinegar (250 ml).
  • 2 liters of hot water.

How to use?

  • Dilute a cup of white vinegar in two liters of hot water and let the garments soak for 8 hours.
  • After the recommended time, put the clothes in the washing machine and start a complete cycle.
  • To reinforce the effects, you can add half a cup of white vinegar to the softener compartment of the machine.
  • If the shirts have bad odors, apply the product undiluted.

4. Borax

Borax is a smooth, white compound that dissolves easily in water. In industry it is used to manufacture detergents and disinfectants, but it can also be used in its natural form.

In this particular case, it is very interesting, since it penetrates deeply into the fabrics of white clothes and removes all kinds of stains.


  • ¼ cup of borax (50 g).
  • 3 liters of water.

What should you do?

  • When handling this ingredient , use gloves, as it can be a bit aggressive with the skin.
  • Dissolve the borax in the three liters of water and soak the garments for two hours.
  • After the recommended time, put the clothes in the washing machine and start a short cycle.

5. Citrus peels


A cooking of citrus peels can be used to remove small stains or substances that are easy to remove.

Citric acid acts as a natural bleach and leaves a pleasant scent.


  • 5 lemon, orange or tangerine peels.
  • 2 liters of water.
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (20 ml).

What should you do?

  • Put the citrus peels in a pot with water, bring it to a boil and, when it reaches a boil, remove it.
  • Pass the liquid through a strainer and mix it with the hydrogen peroxide.
  • Soak stained clothing for 2 hours and rinse as usual.

Don’t wait for your whites to start looking yellow to put these eco-friendly cleaning tips into practice.

Choose the one that catches your eye the most and use it before each regular wash to achieve perfect whites.

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