6 Ways Your Daily Routine Worsens Your Back Pain

To avoid back pain, try to maintain the correct posture when sitting: shoulders should be back, chin high and neck straight.

Back pain is one of the main causes of disability. The excess stress that we currently experience means that we do not pay enough attention to the health of our column vertebral.

Do you want to know how your daily routine is causing your back problems? Keep reading that we will tell you the main causes and some alternatives to reduce or avoid the problem.

Back pain not only affects your health, it can also limit and decrease your productivity and efficiency in any area of ​​your life. If the problem worsens, it could affect your family and social relationships.

6 ways your daily routine makes your back pain worse

1. You carry too much weight on your back

Carrying heavy things can increase your back pain

Overloaded bags, backpacks, suitcases and electronic devices such as laptops are one of the main reasons for back pain. If you also adopt poor posture while carrying this weight, your spine will suffer more.

To avoid problems remember:

  • Carry only what you need and be realistic with the weight you carry.
  • Instead of carrying a bag on one of your shoulders, try to use a backpack that can be carried on both shoulders.
  • If you have too much to carry, divide the weight into two or three bags to balance the load between both shoulders.
  • If your things are too heavy, try using a suitcase on wheels.

2. You lift heavy objects without bending your knees

Many times we tend to pick up something from the ground or leave it on it without bending the knees. The only thing that this mistake will do is create back pain or increase the one we have.

To avoid it, bend your knees keeping your back straight, as if you were doing squats . If you have knee problems, you should flex carefully and never overdo the weight.  In case you have severe knee problems, ask for help.

3. You lead a sedentary life

Poor posture when sitting or walking

Whether for work or study, you are likely to sit too long without taking breaks. This will take its toll on back pain.

You should take breaks of about 10 minutes at least every hour or hour and a half . If you are someone who focuses too much on what you do and loses track of time, set alarms.

During those 10 minutes of rest, try to get up and do stretches and push-ups that circulate the blood. You can go out for a walk or at least take a few laps in your garden if you have it.  You don’t have to do overly strenuous exercises, just get moving.

4. You have bad posture when sitting

Does your daily routine force you to spend a lot of time sitting? Do you spend your free time doing activities that keep you sitting or in the same position? In that case, in addition to resting for 10 minutes, you should pay special attention to:

  • Keep your back straight and well supported on the back of the chair or armchair.
  • Avoid crossing your legs and make sure that the soles of your feet are flat on the ground.
  • The shoulders should be back, chin high and the neck straight.

In case your activity forces you to bend over, watch your posture well so you don’t slouch too much.

To improve your posture, we recommend using an ergonomic chair with good back support. If necessary, invest in a support for your computer so that it is at a good level of your eyes and hands.

5. You walk with a hunched back

walk and talk on the cell phone

Walking is a very healthy habit, but it represents a problem when we go with a hunched back all the time. Do you walk all the time with your head down, with your eyes down and your shoulders forward?

Your posture should be natural, maintaining balance between all parts of the body and trying to align head, neck, back and legs. If you are not used to maintaining good posture, it can be uncomfortable and somewhat painful at first.

Despite the discomfort you may feel, try to change this habit little by little. In a few weeks you will notice that it is easier for you to maintain the correct posture.

6. You spend too many hours in the car

How much time a day do you spend stuck in traffic? Whether you travel by public transport or go in your car, you will surely spend several hours in an uncomfortable position in it.

To avoid back pain from this cause we recommend:

  • Keep the seat as vertical as possible when driving. Remember what we said about sitting in the correct position and with your back against the backrest.
  • Use a neck pillow if you need one. Some cars have a very low neck support section. If this is your case, acquire an extra support that adapts to the car. If this is not possible, buy a cushion that adapts to your neck.
    • Try to walk as much as you can. Instead of using the car every time you need to do something, take a walk. Some people even drive the vehicle to go anywhere nearby. If the trip doesn’t take you that long, walk.

    Daily life and busyness take a lot of your attention. Therefore, it would not be uncommon for back pain to go almost unnoticed when it appears. As soon as you detect it, determine the habit that is affecting you and modify it.

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