9 Tips To Increase The Buttocks In An Intelligent Way

To achieve firm, toned and rounded buttocks, we must combine a balanced diet with localized exercises, without forgetting stretching or rest between sessions to rest the muscle .

Today it is fashionable to exercise regularly, not only to show off a good figure, but to enjoy well-being. This is a very positive thing, since people are motivated to adopt an active lifestyle, away from sedentary lifestyle. And one of its benefits is that it allows you to increase the buttocks or, rather, work and tone them well.

Here we share 9 tips that will help you achieve it, taking advantage of the time and effort.

1. Take action and set a goal

The first step to achieving any goal is always motivation. When we propose to improve a part of our body, as we see results, we get our reward, which helps us to continue.

In this case, we must measure our buttocks before starting, at the hip level. We can also take pictures from different angles.

We will make a document in which we will write our current measures and the ones we want to achieve in, for example, 6 months. In this way we can see the evolution of our work.

2. What is your constitution?

When it comes to exercising to increase your buttocks, not only the time you dedicate each day to it comes into play, but consistency, the activities you choose, muscle tensions and contractures, as well as other factors, such as hormonal issues, feeding, etc.

Depending on the characteristics of your body, your lifestyle habits and the way you work when exercising, you will get results in more or less time.

Keep in mind that perseverance always rewards. So, don’t be too hasty and stick with your routine. Enjoy the process!

3. Do exercises to increase the buttocks

There are many types of exercises that we can do to increase the buttocks. However, to do them intelligently we must take into account the following tips :

  • Most glute exercises help us tone up. But to gain volume we will have to do them with weight.
  • The weight is always added gradually so as not to injure ourselves.
  • While doing the exercises, we will avoid overstressing other parts of the body, such as the knees or lower back.
  • The muscle needs rest to grow, so three weekly sessions will be sufficient.
  • We will have to do different exercises to work the different muscles that make up the buttocks, as well as the femoral.
  • It is essential to drink water during exercise.
  • It is essential to breathe well in each exercise, taking in air in moments of relaxation and taking it out during effort.

4. Do stretches

Before and after each training we must stretch correctly all the muscles that we have worked. We must do this not only so as not to injure ourselves, but also to increase the volume of the buttocks.

5. Include foods rich in protein in your diet

If we want to gain muscle, we must ensure a good amount of protein every day. However, we must not exaggerate in the consumption of meat.

We can choose fish or eggs, as well as proteins of plant origin. Today many types of vegan protein powders are sold, made with peas, hemp, seeds, oats, rice, etc.

  • Taking a serving of protein half an hour after exercising may be recommended, but keep in mind that to maintain a diet according to your needs, it is best to consult with the nutritionist.

6. Eat foods rich in healthy fats

A varied and balanced diet can provide us with multiple benefits, both in the short and long term, helping us to stay well nourished and healthy.

Some of the most beneficial sources of healthy fats are the following:

  • Seeds.
  • Avocados
  • Blue Fish.
  • Yolk.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Ghee or clarified butter.
  • Nuts, especially macadamia nuts.

    * The idea is to incorporate these foods in moderation to the diet, to stay in good condition and thus be able to achieve goals such as increasing the buttocks, toning the legs, etc.

    Discover: All about omega 3 fatty acids

    7. Ask your doctor about supplements

    Spirulina supplements to increase the buttocks

    It is said that some supplements can help us increase muscle mass, tone the body and also increase the buttocks. To choose the most appropriate one and learn how to take it correctly, the ideal is to consult with your doctor, nutritionist and coach.

    Some of the most common contain ingredients such as:

    • Creatine
    • Magnesium.
    • Spirulina
    • Coconut oil.
    • Diindolylmethane (DIM).

    8. Beware of postures and tensions

    When exercising, we don’t have to get to the point of feeling so much pain that we can’t move later. Therefore, we must be careful with postures and tensions and take care of our postural hygiene.

    9. Apply specific creams

    There are some specific creams that could help us increase the buttocks. But we must choose quality creams made with natural ingredients such as phytoestrogens and vegetable oils.

    And something very important: for the creams to help achieve the goal, it is necessary to use them regularly, while maintaining the exercise routine and other good lifestyle habits.

    To increase the buttocks you have to be constant

    With these tips and perseverance, you will be able to tone and increase the buttocks and obtain results in a reasonable period of time. Therefore, do not give up going to that exercise session that benefits you so much, not only in terms of physique but also in terms of health.

    If you are lazy to leave the house, remember that you can do your own training session at home through video tutorials. You can also put on some music and enjoy a Zumba class online. There are many options to choose from!

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