8 Foods That Are Healthier If Eaten Raw

Although in the case of tomatoes the lycopene increases if it is cooked, the truth is that in other foods much of its properties are lost, so it is recommended to eat them raw

The methods of cooking and preparing food have allowed us, for centuries, to enjoy a wide variety of dishes full of nutritional properties for our body.

Baking, steaming, or broiling are some of the healthy techniques to maximize the benefits of some foods that require cooking.

However, there are certain products that, on the contrary, can be much more nutritious if consumed in their 100% natural state.

While some improve their flavor when they undergo a cooking process, some have been found to provide more vitamins and minerals when eaten raw.

This is because the heat and additives used in cooking break down some of its essential nutrients and diminish its health benefits.

For this reason, this time we have compiled a list of 8 foods that can be more beneficial when eaten unprepared.

Get to know them!

Foods that are healthier if eaten raw:

1. Beet


Beets are known as one of the vegetables with the highest content of natural sugars and essential nutrients that benefit health.

Provides large amounts of:

  • Vitamins (A, B and C)
  • Minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron)
  • Fiber

In addition, its regular intake promotes the activity of the immune system, circulation and other important functions for physical and mental health.

The reason why its cooking is not recommended is because this process causes you to lose up to 25% of folic acid, a compound that benefits brain health.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the foods with the highest content of vitamin C, calcium, potassium and other essential nutrients that provide a wide variety of benefits to the body.

It provides a significant amount of sulforaphane, a compound associated with reducing the risk of cancer and preventing cardiovascular and immune diseases.

According to research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, those who consume it raw absorb this substance and its vitamins and minerals more easily.

3. Onions

Onion benefits

Onions contain an active compound called allicin that, once absorbed, prevents cancer, controls anxiety and improves cardiovascular health.

However, when subjected to a cooking process, this phytonutrient decreases its levels and is more difficult to absorb in the body.

Ideally, add them to salads and smoothies to fully enjoy the benefits it provides when eaten raw.

4. Red peppers

This vegetable contains up to three times the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. In addition, it is a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin E and magnesium.

Cooking for a short period of time will maintain its sweetness and many of its properties. However,  subjecting it to high temperatures will cause it to lose  both its vitamin C and the rest of its nutritional qualities.

5. Nuts


Although they provide more calories compared to other foods, nuts are a significant source of healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.

These nutrients reduce bad cholesterol, circulation problems and other disorders of the cardiovascular system.

However, the ideal is to choose the raw ones, since they provide more vitamins and minerals and do not contain transgenic oils.

Some delicious options are:

  • Almonds
  • Cashew nuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Walnuts.

6. Berries

Adding dried berries to packaged cereals and nuts has become a healthy eating trend for snacks and breakfasts.

Unfortunately, dried berries do not have the same nutritional properties and, in fact, the process they undergo increases their sugar and calorie content by up to three times.

Since they are completely dehydrated, they lack the water-soluble vitamins and minerals that they provide when in their natural state.

7. Coconut


This delicious fruit is much healthier when consumed in its raw state, rather than added in bars, sweets and cakes.

Famous for its oil and healthy water, it features medium-chain essential fats that support heart and brain health.

Its processing makes it lose an important part of its essential nutrients and, therefore, affects the benefits it brings to the body.

8. Garlic

Used as a condiment in hundreds of preparations, garlic is a food rich in allicin and antioxidants that provide many benefits to the body.

Research revealed that consuming it raw lowers the risk of lung cancer.

In addition, any cooking process can destroy up to 90% of its vitamins and minerals.

Do you usually cook these foods? Now that you know how beneficial they are in their raw state, try to add them to your diet with recipes that do not involve altering their nutrients.

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