7 Tips To Naturally Activate The Weakened Thyroid

If we present symptoms of a weakened thyroid but do not suffer from hypothyroidism, it is convenient that we strengthen the gland naturally, for example, through diet, to avoid future problems.

In recent years, many people have been interested in learning about ways to “activate” or care for the thyroid. This small butterfly-shaped gland is located in the lower and central part of the neck and is mainly responsible for producing hormones that participate in many functions of the body, including metabolism.

When its functions are weakened, for example due to a low production of hormones (hypothyroidism), the body begins to present a series of symptoms that reduce the quality of life if they are not controlled in time. Regarding this, the World Health Organization warns that 10% of the population has thyroid disorders.

Do you have a weak thyroid?

If you have not done tests to check the status of your thyroid, you should know what are the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism or a weakened thyroid. According to information in The Lancet , clinical manifestations include:

  • Tiredness.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Constipation.
  • Humor changes.
  • Nervousness or anxiety
  • Constant feeling of cold.
  • Dry skin and hair and brittle nails.
  • Weight changes and difficulty losing weight.

If we suffer from several of these symptoms, we may need to activate the thyroid. However, in the first place we must prioritize a consultation with the doctor and endocrinologist, since they are in charge of giving us an accurate diagnosis. Then, if these professionals agree, we can try some tips to stimulate thyroid functions.

1. Remineralize yourself with seaweed

Seaweed in culinary preparation.

The main nutrient we need to activate thyroid function is a mineral – iodine. To obtain it naturally, without the risk of overdoing it, the healthiest thing to do is to incorporate foods such as algae into the diet.

The best seaweed to include in your diet is kelp or kombu, which is also excellent for cooking stews and legumes. You should cook it for at least 20 minutes, as it is quite hard.

There are supplements based on algae such as fucus. However, we do not recommend consuming them without the supervision of a doctor. According to data in the National Center for Biotechnology Information , too much iodine is also bad for the thyroid. Therefore, you must be careful with supplements.

2. Do medium intensity exercise

People with a weakened thyroid often feel tired and cold due to a too slow basal metabolism. To activate it and stimulate the body in general, the most effective is medium intensity exercise, two or three times a week. 

Exercise that is too light is not going to bring us the results we need, so we recommend short but intense sports that make us sweat and breathe deeply.

In relation to this, a study published in the Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences concluded that “every hypothyroid patient should do physical exercise regularly along with thyroxine replacement to improve thyroid function.”

3. Choose the Mediterranean diet

5 dishes of the Mediterranean diet that help you lose weight

An adequate diet is essential to activate the thyroid when its functions are weakened. Although the diet should be designed with the help of a nutrition professional, a good option in general is the Mediterranean diet. 

A study in the medical journal European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences found that the Mediterranean diet model helps reduce the risk of complications associated with hypothyroidism. 

4. Choose unprocessed foods

One of the factors that most harm the thyroid are processed, precooked or industrially produced products. This is due to the manufacturing methods, the poor quality of the ingredients and the amount of additives they include.

Instead, the most beneficial are natural and organic foods that we can eat raw or cook at home. We should consume fruit and vegetable juices, salads, sprouts, seeds and nuts, legumes, etc.

5. Avoid toxins in your environment

Toxicants weaken the immune system in some parts of the body (including the thyroid). In addition to being found in the foods that we have discussed, they can also be present in hygiene and cosmetic products, electromagnetic waves from technological devices, tobacco, water and air pollution, etc.

  • We will try to lead a life as natural as possible, moving away from sources of toxins as much as possible.

    6. Discover the spiciness


    Adding hot spices to your diet can also be beneficial, especially ginger and cayenne pepper. Another recommended option is turmeric, which has been shown to have positive effects against hypothyroidism.

    It is important to note that these foods are not a treatment for thyroid problems. Also, they should not be eaten in excessive amounts. Thus, it is enough to incorporate them in small amounts as part of the regular diet.

    7. Sleep well

    Research shows that poor quality sleep can interfere with thyroid functions. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt measures that help induce rest, such as ensuring a comfortable room, avoiding light sources and dining lightly. The use of electronic devices and the consumption of stimulants should also be avoided.

    Although we cannot control many factors that lead to a weakening of the thyroid, it is in our hands to maintain habits that help its proper functioning. If we suspect a thyroid problem, it will be essential to see a doctor or endocrinologist.

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