7 Stretches To Relieve Back Pain

Stretching exercises are a good adjunct to prevent and improve back pain. How to start practicing them at home? This time we want to share 7 ways to do them.

To effectively relieve back pain it is important to receive a medical diagnosis, especially if it is a symptom that tends to recur. Treatment for this condition may include physical therapy sessions, medications, and, in severe cases, surgery. Are stretching good?

In general, as detailed in a systematic review published in the journal Healthcare , exercise programs that include muscle strength, flexibility, and aerobic fitness are beneficial for the rehabilitation of chronic non-specific low back pain. Specifically, stretching helps increase the flexibility of the back tendons and ligaments.

Due to this, they also help to increase the range of motion and promote functional movement in case of muscle ailments or limitations. Of course, practiced within the routine can help to strengthen this area, which reduces the recurrence of pain.

Exercises to relieve back pain

According to a study published in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics  on spinal care,  80% of the world’s population suffers from back pain at some point in their life. This ailment is already considered a chronic health problem, and especially affects adults with sedentary jobs.

However, thanks to interventions such as stretching exercises, it is possible to reduce the tendency to suffer this pain during day-to-day activities. According to a publication in Harvard Health Publishing , stretching is “a valuable component in a treatment plan for anyone plagued with back problems.”

Since it promotes the flexibility of the muscles, it reduces the risk of injury and the tendency to have ailments. In contrast, when the muscles and connective tissues lack flexibility, joint mobility is restricted and strains may occur.

Are you ready to start? First of all, experts from Harvard University advise doing the stretches gently, without bouncing, as this can cause injuries. If you don’t have a routine yet, it’s best to do it gradually, starting at a low intensity.

1. Knees to chest

Knees to chest

  • Put a mat on the floor and lie on your back, with your legs straight.
  • Bring one knee to your chest and hold it with both hands.
  • Hold that position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Do it again with the other leg.
  • Complete 10 times with each leg.

Note: If you can, complicate this exercise a bit by bringing both knees towards your chest at the same time instead of alternating. 

2. Legs stretched

The hamstrings are muscles that begin in the pelvis and extend to the tibia. They are related to hip movements and often require treatment when pain is widespread.

  • To stretch them, lie on your back and bend your left knee at a right angle (90º).
  • Take the balls of your feet in your hand and extend your leg as far as you can. The idea is that it is completely straight and with the sole of the foot “looking” at the ceiling.
  • Hold the pose for a few seconds, repeat 3 more times and then move to the right leg.

3. Back extension

The back extension is a basic exercise when treating ailments in this area of ​​the body. The activity can be done on the floor or on a firm surface such as a bed.

  • To start, lie on your stomach.
  • Then, put your hands behind your neck and interlock your fingers.
  • Raise the shoulders and head, bringing them back to arch the spine well (especially the back and neck). Feel the shoulder blades approach.
  • The movements have to be very slow and careful.
Lumbar extension

4. Hip twist

Hip twisting is a staple exercise for those seeking back pain relief. The movement involves muscles such as the erector spinae, hips, and glutes.

  • Lie on your back on a mat and keep your legs straight and close together. The arms are at the sides of the torso.
  • Rotate your hips to the right side while bringing your knees to the left (without separating them).
  • Try not to let your right shoulder come off the ground so that the stretch is perfect.
  • Hold the pose for a few seconds, rest and repeat with the left side. Do it 5 times per side.

5. Hip stretch

Lower back pain often afflicts those who lift a lot of weight or are on their feet for several hours a day. This exercise is ideal for stretching your lower back and hips.

  • Kneel on the ground and bend your right knee so that your foot is on the ground.
  • Raise your body and bring your left leg back (the instep should touch the floor). To keep your balance and stretch better, grab your right knee with both hands.
  • Hold for 30 seconds. Do not forget that the back must be straight.
  • Alternate the movement with your left leg bent.

6. Cat exercise to relieve back pain

Cat pose to relieve back pain

It is so called because it emulates the movements of felines when they stretch after a nap or holding the same posture for hours. This exercise is widely used in Pilates and in rehab sessions because it helps to relax the spine and stretch the back muscles.

  • Kneel on the floor with both legs, resting the palms of the hands and the balls of the feet on the floor.
  • Hold this pose with your back straight for a few seconds and then form an “arch” with your spine.
  • Wait a few seconds and go to the second pose; the column “broken” and curved upside down.
  • Repeat several times.

Don’t forget to control your breathing and do this exercise very slowly!

7. Total back stretch

To finish this simple routine of stretching to relieve back pain, you can do this exercise. It is quite complete, as it strengthens the muscles of both the back and the core. 

  • Standing with your legs close together, bend your back so that it is parallel to the ground.
  • Stretch your arms as far as you can to follow the line of your back and lean on a table or chair.
  • Push your shoulders forward to stretch each muscle in your back well.
  • Hold the pose for as long as you can and get up slowly so you don’t get dizzy.
  • If you have a hard time keeping your legs together, spread them hip-width apart.

Practice stretching constantly

Remember that these exercises can help you relieve back pain, as long as you practice them consistently. It is useless to do them sporadically. On the other hand, if the pain is severe or if you have other symptoms, see your doctor.

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