7 Most Effective Exercises To Reduce A Double Chin

By just dedicating a few minutes a day to these exercises, it will be possible to strengthen the muscles of the jaw and neck a little, and thus reduce the appearance of the dewlap.

The double chin is a part of the body that can be unsightly depending on how it looks. This can be seen somewhat disproportionate when someone looks in the mirror or when taking a photo. The accumulation of fat in this area of ​​the body can imply that someone is prone to cardiometabolic disease.

This is not something that only happens to people who are a little overweight. Also, a double chin can develop if the muscles in the jaw area are flaccid. Thus, the shape that defines the face is lost.

This usually happens after a certain age, but you can always be cautious about it. Therefore, here are some of the most effective exercises to reduce a double chin.

To begin, it is convenient to first emphasize that many people more easily resort to cosmetic surgery to reduce double chin, since for them it is a more vertiginous method.

However, this is a bit detrimental. Physical exercises are always going to be more recommended and healthy than aesthetic operations, since it is not something that is about life or death, but rather about tastes and pleasures.

As expressed in a study in 2011, the current world is witnessing the rapid growth of cosmetic surgery in many parts of the body, therefore, the risks are usually higher, because negative results can be obtained and unfavorable to health.

In this way, we proceed to mention the most effective exercises to help reduce and strengthen the double chin area:

1. Tongue in a circular shape

What is the geographic tongue

  • First, sit in a comfortable place with your back straight and your mouth closed.
  • Then, with the tongue, circles will be drawn on the palate.
  • Try to do 10 repetitions and do it at least 3 times a day.
  • In addition, you can try to make the circles to one side first and then to the other.

    2. Language in the form of the press

    • To begin, you have to sit with your back straight and with your shoulders hanging in a comfortable place.
    • Second, place the head with the look up and the neck stretched out.
    • Then press the tongue towards the roof of the mouth. First to the top and then the back.
    • While doing this movement with the tongue, the head should be flexed so that the chin touches the chest.
    • This should be done while continuing to press the tongue towards the upper palate. Then relax it and return to the starting position.
    • Perform at least 20 repetitions a day of this exercise.

    3. Slanted pot

    • First, this exercise can be done standing or sitting. As you prefer.
    • Then, take the lower lip as far out of the mouth as possible, as babies do when they are going to cry.
    • Following this, while the pout is being made, the neck is contracted and the head is flexed, so that the chin touches the chest.
    • While performing this procedure, always keep your back straight with your shoulders straight.
    • When the chin touches the chest, return to the starting position.
    • Rest and repeat the procedure at least 15 times a day.

    4. O-shaped mouth

    Exercises for the contour of the mouth.

    • To begin with, always keep your back straight with your shoulders hanging.
    • Next, you should extend your neck with your head back, and then wrinkle your lips to form a circle that looks like an “O”.
    • Do the exercise while continuing to extend your neck and hold for 20 to 25 seconds.
    • Then return to the starting position and repeat at least 10 times a day.

    5. Rotate the neck

    • To begin, this exercise can be done in the position you like best, either sitting or standing. The important thing is that you straighten your back as much as possible.
    • Then move your chin to touch one shoulder and then the other. The chin should form a semicircle and touch the chest until it reaches the shoulder.
    • Repeat this exercise 10 times.

    6. Kiss the ceiling

    • For this exercise, you have to stand with your arms hanging completely.
    • Next, extend the neck so that the head is back and the ceiling can be seen.
    • Once in this position, stretch your lips as hard as possible until you feel tension in the muscles of the neck and chin.
    • Hold this position for a minimum of 5 seconds and then return to the starting position.
    • Repeat this procedure 15 times every day.

    7. Pronounce the vowels

    the play of the vocal cords.

    • First, stand with your back straight.
    • Now, pronounce each of the vowels slowly and with your mouth open.
    • Finally, repeat it as many times as possible.

    To conclude, if these exercises are performed constantly, more positive results can be seen. It is important to persist in any type of physical practice to obtain fruits much faster.

    In addition to this, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and a fairly high hydration, as was expressed in an investigation published by the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Diet Societies (FESNAD).

    Come on, give it a try!

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