6 Simple Tips To Keep Your Skin Hydrated

A healthy, elastic and resistant skin must maintain good hydration. For this we present some tips that will help you achieve it.

Showing off beautiful skin is a sign of good health, but it’s not always easy to keep your skin hydrated, right? This doesn’t really have to be a problem if you eat a healthy diet low in  fats , industrial sweets and junk food.

However, we know that it is not always possible. In addition, each person has a very particular skin type. Depending on its characteristics, your skin reacts differently to the cosmetic products you apply.

Therefore, you should observe the reaction of your skin when trying one or another system for creams and products that promise to keep your skin hydrated. In addition, you can take advantage of the following tips . You will see that very quickly your skin begins to look healthy and hydrated.

1. Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated

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This is the most natural, quick and efficient way to keep your skin hydrated. If you do not hydrate your body inside there is no use trying to do it outside.   Remember that physical beauty travels from the inside to the outside and depending on how you take care of yourself it will be reflected on your skin.

Ideally, you should drink fresh, natural water without sweeteners or flavorings. . Of course, you should avoid refreshments and unnatural flavored waters.

If drinking water is not your thing, try adding some fruits, but without blending. Refrigerate or add ice if you want to beat the heat.

This will add flavor and a different touch without adding extra calories. In case you miss the sugar, add a little honey, but reduce the amount gradually. If you do this, you will see that in a few months you get used to drinking natural water.

2. More infusions and less soft drinks

We know that keeping skin hydrated is tricky when we add sodas to our routine. However, we have adopted them as a habit because they allow us to drink something with flavor, sweet and also, they provide us with energy.

Among the infusions that are extremely beneficial for the skin are green tea, white tea, chamomile, lavender , rosemary and thyme.

To give a different touch of flavor you can add some fruits or spices. A good example is the following infusion:

Cinnamon infusion with vanilla and pear

In addition to refreshing you with a delicious flavor, the ingredients in this infusion help you reduce joint pain and nausea.


  • 1 piece of cinnamon sliced
  • 1 sprig of fresh vanilla
  • ½ pear
  • 3 cm ginger
  • 1 cup of boiling water


Add the cinnamon, vanilla, pear, and ginger to the boiling water. Let stand for about 10 minutes and strain. You can drink the infusion warm or add some ice if you want to beat the heat.

3. Make your own homemade creams with natural oils

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Another tip to keep your skin hydrated is to apply really moisturizing creams, but created with natural ingredients. In this way you can treat specific problems with a single product and at a low cost.

It will be enough to use a little base cream and the oil that you have at home . The most common oil is olive oil and it is of great help because it is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that regenerate the skin and keep it moisturized.


  • 150 ml of base or neutral body cream
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 plastic jar with lid


In the jar, combine the cream with the olive oil until all the ingredients are well incorporated. Use the cream whenever you need it instead of your usual cream.

To this cream you can add 3 to 5 drops of the essential oil of your choice to add aroma, and the content of a vitamin E capsule if you want to improve the moisturizing effect.

4. Use natural and mild soaps

Have you noticed that your skin is particularly dry for some time now? If so and you are sure you are consuming enough fluids, perhaps the problem has to do with the soaps you use.

The recommendation is to use neutral soaps and natural ingredients. In this way they will provide you with natural oils instead of eliminating them.

It is important that before buying them you check the labels. The best ones are the ones with ingredients like glycerin or aloe vera.

5. Avoid excess heat when bathing

Avoid heat stroke with these tips

We know that in very cold weather, taking a hot shower is a true delight. However, if you overdo it with the heat, you may be removing the natural oils from your skin.

The ideal would be to bathe with fresh water, but if you want more heat, make sure that the water is only warm. Remember that water that is too hot also affects circulation so you could be causing problems in the future.

To keep your skin hydrated, if you love very hot water, try not to stay in it for more than 15 minutes. Afterward, apply enough of your moisturizer.

6. Eat enough fruits

Fruits are the best allies What can nature give you? to keep your skin hydrated. Besides being delicious, they usually contain a high percentage of water. Try to include at least two fruits a day.

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