6 Health Problems That Cause Back Pain

Back pain can appear as a reflection of some ailments that have nothing to do with the area, but require treatment to relieve it

Do you feel back pain all the time? There are people who have been experiencing this problem for so long that they already see it as something normal. However, it is not and you should not adapt to it. The back is the main support of the body: the spine . When you don’t take the proper precautions or your health is not the best, you could end up with this problem.

Activities that can cause back pain include lifting too much weight without care or more serious problems. Just about the latter is what we will talk about next.

S Keep reading and discover how the discomfort in the back They could be warning you of a more serious condition. Take note and act accordingly to prevent your health from being affected.

1. Wear of intervertebral discs and back pain

Human spine.

The spine is made up of vertebrae separated by small structures called intervertebral discs. . These are not bones, but fibrocartilaginous structures that perform a cushioning function and facilitate flexibility.

Over time and, due to different factors depending on the person, there is a dehydration of the intervertebral discs with the consequent deterioration of their functions.

Disc wear can cause spinal deflection. Those who suffer from it, usually maintain a stooped posture, as this seems to relieve back pain.

It is important that, if you detect this curvature, you go to your doctor to indicate the most appropriate treatment. Additionally, the professional may suggest you use some type of girdle or support that keeps the spine in place. He could also authorize physical therapy and the consumption of a supplement of  collagen to prevent the problem from progressing.

2. Low back pain, one of the health problems that cause back pain

The low back pain is back pain that occurs from the ribs to the buttocks. It is a condition that we can all experience at any time in our lives.  Because it is such a common problem, many people believe that it has no real cause. However, this is false. In most cases, multiple tests may be required, but there is always a specific reason.

If you present it occasionally, you should pay attention to the activities that you have been doing. It is possible that you have a bad posture when you are in front of the computer or that your job is causing it.  Ideally, you should go to your doctor to rule out that there is a more serious situation.

3. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones. It appears when there is a decrease in the density of bone mass and the bones become more porous.  This disease makes the bones brittle and prone to serious injury, even with minimal blows .

In most cases there are no obvious symptoms, although back pain may occur.

  • If you are over 40 years old and your diet is not particularly rich in calcium, it is important that you visit your doctor regularly to rule out this problem.
  • It is advisable to visit your doctor if you notice that the back pain occurs in the middle part and you hear some clicking sounds when moving . This should not be normal in any case.

4. Fibromyalgia, another possible cause

Fibromyalgia is a widespread chronic disease . Among its most important characteristics are long-lasting pain episodes. This means that you will not only have back pain, but you will also have discomfort in all joints and muscles. 

Other symptoms of fibromyalgia include the following:

  • Rigidity.
  • Tiredness.
  • Heartburn.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Feeling bloated
  • Intestinal disorders.
  • Numbness of the joints.

If this is the problem, your doctor may prescribe several medications that treat the ailments separately.  Although it is not a disease that you can cure, there are always options to control the discomfort, although you will need to try until you find out what works for you.

5. Scoliosis, another cause of back pain

Woman with back pain from scoliosis.

Another health problem that can cause back pain is scoliosis. This is the lateral deviation of the spine outside its normal limits.  It is a deformity that can appear due to congenital, neuromuscular or no apparent cause.

When scoliosis is in an advanced stage, it usually causes compression or impingement of the spinal cord and pain.   To reduce the pain in your back when it is derived from scoliosis you must receive medical therapy. This usually includes:

  • Use of corsets.
  • Physiotherapy routines.
  • Regular reviews to see if the problem has progressed.

6. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most common diseases in women, but a rare cause of back pain. Still, it doesn’t hurt to take it into account.

This disease is due to the growth of abnormal endometrial tissue in the muscle area. The pain is usually sharp and appears most often around the date of the menstrual period. Although commercial pills for colic are usually helpful, it is recommended that you visit the gynecologist to indicate the correct treatment.

General recommendations

In short, if you suffer from back pain too often and consider that it may be something other than a posture problem, consult your doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause and start receiving the most appropriate treatment.

Once you know what you have, ask your doctor what exercises he recommends to take care of your back and stay active, without suffering pain or inflammation. Avoid sedentary lifestyle at all costs, as that will only aggravate the discomfort.

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