6 Harmful Chemicals That You Find In Your Body Lotion

To ensure that the hygiene products we use do not contain harmful chemicals, it is advisable to buy them in specialized stores or to make them ourselves at home.

When you buy other beauty items, do you pay attention to their components? You should do it, however. Most of us are seduced by the look of the product. Then, we check that its smell pleases us. The combination of these two things seems to be sufficient guarantee to satisfy the need that we have to use it. We don’t even consider testing for harmful chemicals it may contain.

Already put to it, it is essential to have at least a general idea of ​​which are those potentially harmful chemicals for health. In this article, we will tell you about the ones most used by most of the big brands to make their products. Thus, by the way, you will be aware of what you are using.

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)

Butylated hydroxyanisole is one of the harmful chemicals that we can find in both body lotions and canned foods. Its function is to stabilize and preserve, so its use has been extended to a wide range of cosmetic products and even medical treatments.

BHA affects the endocrine system, to the point that some specialists consider it as a possible carcinogen. Currently, Studies in the experimental phase seek to scientifically prove this suspicion. In order to prevent the damage that this substance could cause, it is recommended to limit the consumption of products that contain it.

DMDM hydantoin

This is another one of the harmful chemicals that you find in your body lotion. It is a formaldehyde that acts as a preservative. In other words, it makes products that contain it last longer. These include shampoos, body lotions, and eyelash masks. L he Hydantoin DMDM can cause eye and skin irritation.

Fragrances or perfumes

For sure, one of the reasons you choose your body lotion is the scent. In fact, this is one of the aspects most cared for by companies, in marketing. We tend to believe that if a lotion smells like lemon, roses or strawberries it is because it contains those ingredients or some derivative of them.

However, many times it is chemical mixtures that give rise to these aromas. Among the most common chemicals are phthalates. They are often used in cosmetics, insecticides, and wood treatments. The truth is that they pollute the air and cause respiratory allergies and asthma.


Parabens are present in all kinds of beauty items. This happens because they prevent the growth and proliferation of fungi and bacteria. Unfortunately, this preventive effect is also associated with hormonal problems and breast cancer. So avoid these products and instead choose brands that are committed to using natural antifungals such as vitamin E and citric acid.

Retinyl palmitate

In Better Health, we’ve talked a lot about vitamin A and its benefits. It is not surprising, then, that many times you choose body lotion and other beauty items in search of this vitamin. Well, retinyl palmitate is a derivative of it.

However, to Some studies have linked it to the appearance of tumors; especially when there is too much exposure to sunlight. Therefore, we recommend that, the next time you buy a cream, body lotion or sunscreen with vitamin A, you check that this chemical is not present. However, s If the product you buy contains this chemical, use it only at night.


Triethanolamine is an ingredient widely used in masks for eyelashes, body lotions and other products in which it is necessary to have a balanced pH. L The cosmetics industry itself considers it slightly harmful, as it is a proven fact that triethanolamine irritates the respiratory system and the skin.

In animal studies, it has been found to be related to the development of cancer, although it must be said that it is considered biodegradable and non-toxic.

How to choose a body lotion

So far, we have mentioned 6 harmful chemicals that are probably present in your body lotion. The question that surely assails you right now is: “How do I choose my body lotion and other beauty items?”

The answer is not that simple. Finding products that are free of all these chemicals is a difficult task, but for which there is an alternative: C create your own homemade and natural products.

Here, we tell you how to make a body lotion with a delicious texture and aroma:

Vanilla body lotion

Vanilla body lotion


  • ¼ cup of jojoba oil (50 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of coconut oil (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of beeswax (30 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of shea butter (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (5 ml)


  • Place the first four ingredients in a glass container and melt in a double boiler.
  • Wait for all the ingredients to be perfectly mixed and dissolved. You can move with the help of a wooden scoop to make sure there are no lumps.
  • Remove from the heat, add the vanilla extract and integrate all the ingredients well.
  • Store the mixture in a glass or plastic container.

This lotion has a creamy texture. In cold climates, it can look like a cream. However, b just keep it in your hands for a couple of minutes to make it fluid.

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