5 Ways To Remove Humidity At Home

Humidity is a real problem for many homes, especially those located in areas more prone to this climatic condition. Fortunately, there are some simple tricks to remove moisture at home. We tell you about them so that you can get rid of it and its consequences. Take note!

What consequences does humidity bring at home?

As in the outdoor environment, a percentage of indoor humidity that exceeds 40% or 60% is considered high, according to this report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States,  and can cause different inconveniences in your home . Here are some of them:

  • Mites
  • Bad smell
  • Bacteria and fungi
  • Mold on walls and corners
  • Deterioration of real estate and various objects

In addition to creating a bad impression on the eye, they pose a health problem. Those who suffer the most are allergic people or those who suffer from respiratory diseases. For this reason, it is very important to take all the corresponding measures to eliminate humidity from a house. How can we do it? Here are some recommendations:

Tricks to remove moisture at home

Ventilate the house to avoid humidity.

1. Ventilation

It is the main recommendation that we expose you. You should always maintain correct ventilation at home, and even more so in those areas where you may have humidity problems. Air conditioning can help you keep areas of your home where too much natural air is not getting moisture-free. Anyway, do not abuse it, it is necessary that the air we breathe is somewhat humid to prevent lung diseases, as stated in this report by the European Lung Foundation, and nasal congestion.

2. Recognize sources of moisture

If you find an area in your home where the humidity is too high, you should look for the cause of this problem. In general, if there are broken pipes or water leaks in places that are not visible, this is reflected in the walls ; little by little, they will start to stain.

You should bear in mind that if you don’t fix these leaks immediately, the condition could worsen to flooding.

Humidity at home.

3. Use a dehumidifier

This appliance is ideal for rainy or cold regions. In them, humidity tends to accumulate easily, since there is no possibility of permanently ventilating the house as in other areas. Therefore, if you want to remove moisture at home you can use them to absorb and drain moisture easily.

4. Remove moisture with salt

To do this you will need a flat container and a kilo of coarse salt. Simply put the salt in the container and after a day or two it will have absorbed much of the moisture.

Salt is one of the elements with the highest absorption capacity. In addition to being very useful for removing moisture at home, it can also be used to remove stains from clothing. The moment you notice that the salt is very wet or even if it has turned black, it will be time to renew it.

Other tricks to prevent moisture

In addition to the recommendations cited above, it is also important to prevent moisture from entering or staying in the home. How to do it? With these simple tips:

  • When you cook, turn on the exhaust fan.
  • The heating of the room should never exceed 20 ° C, since this favors the appearance of humidity in walls and rooms.
  • When you wash clothes, hang them outside to dry. If you leave it inside, its moisture will spread to the rest of the room.
  • Do not accumulate too many plants in the same environment. This will favor the production and conservation of vapor, which is the vapor that certain elements give off.

Finally, remember that you must also take into account aspects such as natural lighting and drafts in the home. Windows and doors should be positioned to allow sunlight to enter. You can also consider moving furniture to allow air to circulate through your home.

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