5 Remedies To Lower Fever Without The Need For Medications

Although these options are very effective in reducing fever, if it is very high or persists over time it is essential to see a doctor to receive professional treatment.

There are remedies to lower fever without the need for medications that allow you to deal with this defense mechanism that is activated when the immune system detects a threat.

Well, although the function of fever is to fight against invading organisms, it can sometimes be life-threatening. Therefore, it is important to know how we can combat it without using drugs.

When is a fever considered?

When the body temperature is measured above 37.5 ÂșC, it is considered that we have a fever. Our body is helping to fight with the organisms that are invading it.

The accompanying symptoms are extreme tiredness, headache, and muscle weakness. In some cases, this can also be accompanied by a feeling of light-headedness.

The usual thing is that we have the flu or a throat infection and that we use whatever medicine we have on hand.

However, to avoid this, we can learn to develop some natural remedies that will also help us reduce fever. Above all, in those cases in which the fever does not have a specific cause. As this study points out, there is fever of unknown origin, in these cases you should always consult a specialist doctor.

Remedies to lower fever

There are remedies to lower the fever and control it by preventing it from continuing to rise. Today we are going to see 5 of these remedies that are very easy to prepare and that, surely, you did not know that they helped reduce fever.

1. Infusion of thyme and chamomile


Combining the properties of thyme with chamomile flowers we can obtain an anti-inflammatory remedy that facilitates the treatment of fever. Its nutrients help to overcome fluids that are lost due to sweating.

The ingredients that we are going to use to make this infusion are half a tablespoon of thyme, another of chamomile and we will need a cup of water. With this prepared, we will follow the following steps:

  • We will place the half tablespoon of thyme and chamomile in a boiling saucepan.
  • We will turn off the heat and let it rest for 20 minutes.
  • After this, we will withdraw the result and strain it.

This drink will suit us very well when we have a fever and we can take it about twice a day without any problem. In addition, being a natural remedy it will not have side effects.

2. Infusion of orange peels

The infusion of orange peels provides our body with a significant amount of vitamin C, a nutrient that strengthens the defenses. This will help us to regulate body temperature and also to replace lost fluids.

In this case, the ingredients that we will need will be an orange peel, a tablespoon of honey (although this is optional) and a cup of water to be able to make the infusion. Then, we will perform the following steps:

  • We will chop the peel of an orange and put it in the boiling water.
  • We will let the drink rest for about 15 minutes.
  • We will strain the result and add the tablespoon of honey if we want.

The ideal is to take this infusion in the morning and at night, although we can do it at any other time of the day if we wish. It will provide us with a very pleasant and comforting feeling.

3. Yarrow infusion


Yarrow is one of the popular remedies to restore body temperature in case of mild fevers. It is not as well known as the previous ones, but it is easier to carry out. We will only need a teaspoon of dried yarrow and a cup of water.

We can put the cup of water in the microwave and add the teaspoon of yarrow. Then, we will infuse and strain the solution. After this, we will put the cup in the fridge and when it is cold we can take it up to twice a day.

It is important to know that this natural remedy is contraindicated both for pregnant women and for those who have clotting problems. Therefore, in these cases, it is always better to ask the doctor before taking any natural solution.

4. Elderberry infusion

Elderberry is a traditional remedy against fever and other symptoms of flu-like processes.

Like the previous remedy, this natural fever solution is very easy to carry out. We will only need a teaspoon of elderberry that we will put in a cup of water. The difference with respect to the remedy with yarrow is that we can take it hot.

The ideal is to consume this remedy in the morning, although we can also do it at any other time of the day. We can take it as many times as we want. It is contraindicated in people with aspirin or anticoagulant treatment.

5. Fennel infusion


The last of the remedies to lower fever is with fennel, known for its digestive properties. However, it also contains substances that facilitate fever control.

Its essential nutrients strengthen the immune system and help improve the response in case of inflammation or infections. To make this remedy we will only need a cup of water, two teaspoons of fennel and a tablespoon of honey. Then, we will proceed to take the following steps:

  • We will let the water boil and when it does, we will add the two teaspoons of fennel.
  • We will put the heat low and we will leave the mixture for another 3 minutes.
  • After this time, we turn off the heat and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • We will strain and sweeten with honey if we wish.

    We can consume this last of the remedies to lower fever twice a day when we feel feverish. It is important to try each and every one of these remedies to stay with the one that works best for us.

    Do you dare to try these remedies to lower fever? Does any other work for you that we have not mentioned? If the fever does not go down, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. Also, tell him about the option of taking these remedies so that he will give you his approval.

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