5 Properties Of Coffee That You Did Not Know

Today , coffee is the second most consumed natural beverage in the world, behind, of course, tea.

It does not matter if you are more than one or the other, what we do know is that you love coffee and surely you are one of those people who usually starts the day with one.

In our space we have talked to you many times about its benefits, we have explained to you how appropriate it is to take care of the health of our liver or the energy it gives us to face our work days.

Now, this time we want to explain those other not so well known benefits that make coffee an exceptional drink that is worth including with balance in our day to day.

1. Coffee can improve your short-term memory

If you are noticing that lately you have suffered some forgetfulness due to stress, or that it costs you a little to settle new information, it is worth taking these data into account :


  • According to a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience and carried out at John Hopkins University in Baltimore (United States), regular coffee consumption improves the neuronal connection of our hippocampus, related to memory.
  • This goes to show us that, if we take a good dose of caffeine at 7 in the morning, we will see the new information much better until noon.
  • Caffeine fights cognitive decline, according to this study by the University of Eastern Finland. That is why it is considered a highly recommended natural element to deal with Alzheimer’s.

2. Coffee is a natural antidepressant

Coffee can be an excellent mild-acting antidepressant that will not cause any drug-like side effects. The way it achieves this is as follows:

  • Coffee acts by regulating our stress to prevent it from leading to depression, as stated in this study carried out by the University of Navarra (Spain).
  • It blocks the receptors for dopamine, that neurotransmitter related to anxiety and stress. In case this neurotransmitter is overexcited, we fall at risk of suffering a depressive state.
  • It is good to know that decaffeinated coffee will not have the same effects.
  • Just take a cup a day (about 100 ml) to notice a noticeable improvement.

3. Coffee relieves headache, neck and shoulder pain

woman with headache

In our space we have already told you on occasion that moderate coffee consumption helps us reduce headaches.

It can be very effective in reducing tension neck and shoulder pain caused by stress or muscle overload.

The study was carried out by the National Institute of Occupational Health (Norway) and explains the following:

  • Drinking coffee before working in front of the computer reduces the risk of joint pain.
  • There are many athletes who consume very exact amounts of caffeine because they know that it will act in a very positive way at the muscular level.
  • In addition, we cannot forget that coffee is rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium.

4. Coffee will allow you to lose weight

Is coffee going to allow me to lose those extra kilos that I have left over? Well, like everything else, in this information it is necessary to clarify important aspects:

  • Coffee is rich in multiple antioxidants, therefore, it will allow us to accelerate the metabolism, as stated in this research carried out by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham (United Kingdom).
  • To take advantage of the benefits of coffee, it is necessary to follow a varied and balanced diet where we restrict the consumption of saturated fats, sweets and soft drinks.
  • The most recommended coffee to lose weight and accelerate metabolism is green coffee. However, this study carried out by the University of Exeter (United Kingdom) affirms that, although this statement is true, more scientific evidence is still needed in this regard.
    • It is important to take care of what type of sweetener you add to your coffee : one of the most recommended is stevia. Have you tried it yet? Do not hesitate to add a pinch of cinnamon either.
    • And remember, if you want to lower a few sizes you have to consult a doctor and a nutritionist.

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    5. Coffee will help you fight premature aging

    It is advisable to consume between 1 and 2 cups a day. If you have hypertension, it is best to consult your doctor first.

    • If there is a reason to consume coffee, it is because it stands as a powerful natural treasure of antioxidants (according to this study carried out by the University of Chile)  capable of dealing with free radicals and thus preventing premature aging.
    • Do not hesitate to look for a good organic coffee, natural and with an excellent aroma. The more natural, the more antioxidants it will have  to allow you to have a smoother, more elastic and younger skin.


    A wonderful way to benefit from these natural resources is to start the day with a good cup of coffee and have a cup of green tea in the afternoon. In this way, you will enjoy two exceptional remedies to take care of your health.

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