5 Keys To Improve Your Brain Health At Breakfast

In 2014 a very interesting book was published called  SharpBrains: How to Invest in Your Brain . In it, we were explained how we could enhance our brain health and the capacities of this organ to enjoy a better quality of life.

Through eleven key strategies, they explained aspects that most of us know, but that we do not always put into practice. In fact, one of those essential points is that of nutrition and the importance of breakfast.

We often make the mistake of completely limiting sugar in our diet. We think that, with this, we take maximum care of health. It is not entirely correct. We must bear in mind that, in just and adequate amounts, glucose is essential for the brain to obtain energy.

So much so that it is worth remembering a very important percentage: 20%. This figure is the level of energy that the brain needs with respect to the whole organism. As we can see, it is a considerable amount. Any deficit has consequences. So… What if we improve our quality of life from breakfast?

We explain how to do it.

Brain health: 5 foods you should not miss

Your lifestyle determines, in part, your ability to avoid strokes. At present, they are one of the main causes of mortality in the population, as well as of permanent disability.

We know, of course, that no one can prevent a stroke 100%, and that young people and people who maintain very healthy habits can suffer it. However, there is something worth keeping in mind. If brain health is good, your ability to recover from a stroke may be better.

The brain is like a muscle, if we exercise it we gain cognitive reserve, neuroplasticity, agility …  One way to achieve this is by choosing your food well. Next, we explain what ingredients your breakfasts should have.

1. The power of a seed: chia for your brain


Chia seeds are that low calorie food capable of offering us very high quality lipids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for better brain health, according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

  • In addition, we cannot forget that chia seeds have more calcium than milk, 3 times more antioxidants than fresh blueberries and 3 times more iron than spinach. Amazing!
  • Its high content of potassium and fiber make chia seeds one of the best ingredients to start the day.

2. Improve brain function with avocado

Smoothie-avocado brain health

Too many calories? Absolutely. Will avocado make me fat and raise my cholesterol? Fake. Like everything in life, the key is in balance. Avocados improve the blood supply and oxygenation of the brain. It is enough just to consume a quarter of an avocado a day to have its many benefits.

  • The healthy fats in avocado help us keep our arteries strong and flexible.
  • The monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados protect nerve cells in the brain known as “astrocytes.”
  • Astrocytes are what promote communication between nerves and brain cells.
  • Also, another interesting fact is that avocado oil can help us take care of brain function.
  • It is a very suitable food to protect us against the appearance of a stroke, since it reduces blood pressure.

3. Green tea and its antioxidants

Green tea has about eight times more polyphenols than fruits and vegetables, according to research published in Nutrients. Its catechins are a key piece to promote brain health.

Thanks to this contribution of antioxidants and vitamin C we achieve protection in a significant probability of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Something as simple as having a cup of green tea for breakfast every day is something that is noticeable in the long run.

4. Oatmeal with unsweetened cocoa

A sensational combination that you can enjoy two or three times a week. Just include a square of unsweetened dark chocolate in a cup of oatmeal and simply … Enjoy! Oatmeal in combination with chocolate, will offer us the following nutrients, essential for the brain:

  • Vitamins (A, from complex B, C and D).
  • Minerals (silicon, to renew connective tissues, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron).
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids.

5. Blueberries, the best fruit for the brain


Blueberries are those berries that are incredibly rich in tannins, flavonoids, and anthocyanins. This type of antioxidant has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

  • They also help us to reduce cholesterol and also favor the neuronal connection to stimulate and settle new learning.
  • Although it is not always easy to find blueberries in season, feel free to have them at home whenever you see them in your markets.

Improve brain health with a good breakfast

To conclude, starting the day with a good breakfast will help you improve your brain health. Nevertheless, Also remember to avoid sedentary lifestyle, reduce stress points and maintain a curious attitude towards life .

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