5 Health Benefits Of Using Little Salt In Your Food

Did you know that, by using little salt, you will have much more energy and you can even lose weight more easily? You can substitute it with spices or aromatic herbs so as not to lose flavor.

Doctors and nutritionists always recommend using little salt when cooking. However, for many people it is very difficult to reduce their consumption, since they feel that all recipes will be tasteless.

In this article we share the 5 health benefits of reducing salt intake, especially refined salt. In a very short time, we will be able to improve and prevent different health disorders. By this we do not mean that table salt is a harmful ingredient, although in certain people and in large doses it can trigger problems.

How to use little salt without making it tasteless?

Using little salt doesn’t have to be torture. We must continue to enjoy food while gradually reducing its consumption. In addition, we can enhance the flavors with other seasonings, such  as the ones we propose below. In no time, our palate will get used to it.

  • Herbal salt, made with powdered vegetables such as celery, garlic or onion.
  • Vinegar.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Aromatic plants (basil, mint, oregano, etc.).
  • Hot spices like cayenne pepper or ginger.
  • Nutritional yeast.
  • Seaweed.

We also recommend always choosing sea salt over table or refined salt. In this way, the little salt that we consume we will assimilate much better and it will provide us with minerals and trace elements. An example of these is iodine, a nutrient that has been shown to be especially important in the function of the thyroid gland.

use little salt with aromatic plants

5 benefits of using little salt

We are going to tell you the benefits that a diet with a low content of table salt can bring to the body.

1. We keep the skin hydrated and free of impurities

When we consume too much salt, the body needs more water to balance fluids. For this reason, one of the parts that suffers the consequences is the skin, which is dehydrated.

In this sense, by using little salt and, at the same time, drinking more water, we manage to keep the skin hydrated. We also facilitate the elimination of impurities that accumulate in the outermost layers of the skin. In addition, we prevent premature skin aging.

2. We feel more energetic

Excess salt impairs kidney function, according to research published in Nephrologie & Therapeutique . These organs, when overloaded or weakened, cause a lack of energy that can become chronic if we do not improve our habits. For this reason, many people who consume stimulants such as coffee or cola cannot overcome constant exhaustion.

To increase vitality, we must:

  • Improve nutrition.
  • To rest well.
  • Exercise to activate the metabolism.
  • Fight stress.
  • Use little salt in food.

In a short time we will feel full of energy.

3. We prevent swelling

Swelling is a problem for many people in different parts of the body. The accumulation of fluids is frequent in the area of ​​the legs, feet and belly, especially. This makes us gain volume, feel heavy, annoying and, in some cases, also sore. Circulation suffers greatly.

To prevent bloating, we must reduce the consumption of salt and all those foods that contain it, especially processed products such as pizzas, sauces, pasta, snacks, etc. In addition, to combat excess sodium it has been shown that we can increase the consumption of foods rich in potassium :

  • Avocado.
  • Banana.
  • Broccoli.
  • Lettuce.
  • Potato.
  • Carrot.
  • Apple.
  • Raspberry.
  • Blueberry.
  • Nut.
  • Lentils.

use less salt to fight bloating

4. We lose weight more easily

If you are trying to lose weight or want to maintain a good weight without starving, we recommend that you reduce your salt intake. The abuse of this product favors the retention of liquids and hinders the purifying function of the organism. For this reason, by limiting it, you can lose weight more easily.

Also, avoiding salt invites you to use other seasonings. Most spices, lemon or vinegar not only are not fattening, but they activate the metabolism and help you burn more calories. In this way, changing this habit in your life will have very positive effects on weight and health in a short time.

5. We prevent cardiovascular disorders

People who suffer from hypertension already know that they should use little salt or eliminate it completely from the diet. However, they may not be aware of the health risks involved. High blood pressure and being overweight are two risk factors that predispose us to cardiovascular disease.

To avoid them in time we must reduce the intake of salt and sugar, and make an important change in diet and lifestyle. However, starting with salt will help us see how it can improve our health with small big changes.

Reduce salt intake to improve health

As you have seen, reducing salt intake leads to improvements in terms of health. Especially if there are already basic pathologies, it is beneficial to control the contribution of this ingredient to prevent the progression of some diseases that are especially sensitive to sodium.

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