4 Treatments With The Lemon Bicarbonate Cure

It is one of the most famous cures that exist today. Drinking a glass of water mixing a little bicarbonate with lemon makes our body alkaline. With this simple remedy we obtain multiple health benefits.

Discover in this article what are the 4 curative treatments that we can perform with the lemon bicarbonate preparation. An inexpensive and very effective medicinal combination.

Benefits of the lemon bicarbonate cure

The Lemon Baking Soda Cure

This remedy is not without some controversy. The problem lies in the risk of taking this simple, natural and affordable combination as a solution to all ills. We cannot exaggerate or assure that this preparation is effective for all ailments of a certain relief or severity.

However, yes we can say that  the soda with lemon is a supplement that helps regulate many basic functions.  It makes us feel good, prevents some disorders, reduces inflammation, eliminates toxins, helps us lose weight, etc.

Unlike what appears in some publications,  this combination will not make, for example, that we can cure cancer. We must see things with common sense and find a way to improve our health with remedies at our disposal. Prevention is the best medicine.

4 treatments with baking soda and lemon

1. The health of your kidneys

It may be that we suffer from kidney disorders, urinary problems, kidney stones or we feel that these organs are losing their original functionality. These factors greatly reduce our health and cause many symptoms.

  • To prevent and combat them we can resort to drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda. We will also add a few drops of lemon juice. Take the mixture after meals.

    With this we manage to alkalize our body and  help our kidneys suffer less. In this way we also get the blood to filter better, that the urine reaches the bladder better and with less impurities to prevent them from causing an infection. We balance all these functionalities and improve our kidney health.

    It is worth following this guideline, which is essentially recommended by many nephrologists. If the kidneys do not work properly, acid is stored, which is neutralized by bicarbonate. 

    2. Better digestions

    For decades it has been known that to facilitate digestion we can take a teaspoon of bicarbonate with a glass of water. In addition, if we add lemon, we improve the digestive process even more. We fight the acids that inflame the stomach or esophagus, avoid  flatulence and also prevent gastric reflux.

    If you have doubts, check how your digestions are. If you notice that they are heavy, that your belly swells and you have trouble going to the bathroom or you also suffer from periods of diarrhea, do not hesitate. This remedy will be very good for you to purify, to eliminate toxins and fermentations in your intestines.

    3. For the health of your liver

    This alkaline toner can do a lot for liver health. It acts as a catalyst for it to perform its cleansing functions more effectively. We must remember that the liver is that great laboratory that performs essential detoxification functions. It also cleanses our blood and synthesizes enzymes and vitamins, among other tasks.

    Taking a glass of water with a little lemon juice and a tablespoon of bicarbonate on an empty stomach will provide us with vitamin C and antioxidants. It is a great way to keep the liver strong and facilitate its functions. It is worth keeping in mind.

    4. To lose weight

    Are you looking for a supplement with which to lose weight along with a proper diet? So don’t overlook a glass of lemon bicarbonate every day. A tablespoon of bicarbonate dissolved in water along with the juice of half a lemon is enough. You take it on an empty stomach and thus you will gradually purify your body.

    With this preparation we eliminate toxins, substances that cause inflammation, cause fluid retention and impair intestinal function. We are burning fat little by little to promote our metabolism. We raise the alkaline level of our body to lose weight.

    How to take lemon bicarbonate?

    • The most common way to take lemon bicarbonate is in the morning and on an empty stomach. The water should be warm, neither hot nor cold, in order to assimilate it much better. A tablespoon well dissolved in water is enough, along with the juice of half a lemon or even less. It is ideal, for example, to purify, lose weight or take care of your liver.
    • In case you need this remedy for the health of your kidneys, it would be appropriate for you to drink half a glass after your two main meals.

      As a warning to keep in mind, it will be better to abstain from this remedy if you have high blood pressure. Remember that due to its sodium level it is not advisable for hypertensive patients. We will also limit ourselves if we suffer from gastritis, because this alkaline remedy can cause us discomfort .

      But in general, it is a very suitable complement to consider. It is not a miracle for any disease, but it is an excellent habit to improve our health and prevent long-term conditions.

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