4 Drinks That Cause Dehydration And That We Should Avoid In Summer

Many people try to quench their thirst with the first soda they find on hand. Although it seems that any option is good to replace lost fluid, there are certain beverages that cause dehydration.

It is important not to abuse them, since they do not quench thirst, nor do they hydrate cells,   especially in summer when fluid loss is greater. Which are? We present them below.

The importance of being well hydrated

About 60% of the weight of the human body corresponds to the water content. This varies according to age, but is higher in babies and young children, and lower during old age. In any case, this percentage gives us an idea of ​​how important hydration is for the body.

Cells and organs need this fluid in order to function optimally. When the amount drops, either through sweat, urine, feces, or breathing, dehydration occurs. The main negative effects derived from the lack of water are the following:

  • Low physical performance and feeling of fatigue.  
  • Alterations in mood and cognitive ability.  
  • Worse gastrointestinal function.  
  • Greater difficulty in the functioning of the kidney.
  • Confusion and dizziness
  • Tiredness.
  • Urine infrequent and dark.
  • Strong feeling of thirst. 
The importance of being well hydrated

Beverages that cause dehydration

Thirst is one of the first signals that the body sends to indicate that it is necessary to hydrate. It must be trusted, as some studies suggest that fluid needs are variable and an amount cannot be established for everyone.

However, there is more consensus on the strategy to hydrate. Drinking water is the best option, apart from eating foods such as fruits, vegetables or broths, which also have a large percentage of liquid in their composition.

Beyond water, it is essential to pay attention to how we hydrate, since there are drinks that cause dehydration. This becomes more relevant in the summer season, since high temperatures further increase the loss of fluids.

1. Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are not a good option to hydrate the body. The reason is that they  have a marked diuretic effect on the body, which can vary according to the graduation of the type of drink.

It has also been observed that it can affect in different ways, especially if people were in a state of good hydration or with a small water deficit.

In any case, and due to its negative effects, it is not positive to recommend the intake of alcohol under any circumstances. It is also not good to use as a fluid replacement drink.

Alcohol in summer

2. Sugary drinks

This group includes a large number of different products. They all have in common that they provide a large amount of sugar in their composition, and few or no nutrients. Some examples are commercial lemonades, orangeade, soda, or cola.

Its main problem derives, precisely, from its abundant sugar content. There is data that highlights and warns that sugary drinks are not a good method to replace fluids once dehydration has occurred. In fact, its effect may be the opposite.

According to the evidence, they can also cause overhydration and an excessive burden on the kidney. This added to its relationship with metabolic problems, such as diabetes and obesity.

3. Sports drinks

Data shows that most sports drinks are hydrating, providing fluid and electrolytes that are lost in excessive heat. Despite this, considering them an option for hydration is a mistake.

Its composition is designed for athletes or people with an intense load of activity. In fact, ingesting them in excess carries the risk of negative health effects. Of these, the following stand out:

  • Some are formulated with ingredients like caffeine, which cause an exciting and diuretic effect on the body.
  • They may have taurine and other substances with a stimulating capacity in their composition.
  • Those rich in sugar can cause gastrointestinal problems, such as vomiting, nausea or diarrhea.
  • They provide a large number of calories without nutrients.

4. Coffee

Coffee is a drink that has a diuretic effect. For this reason, there is controversy as to whether it can be classified as one of the beverages that cause dehydration.

Although there is variability between people, the data show that this effect appears with high doses of caffeine and, in contrast, it does not occur at lower or moderate doses.

Studies conclude that coffee, consumed within normal life guidelines, does not induce a greater loss of fluids compared to those that have been ingested.

But what is considered a high dose? According to the Administration Food and Drug Administration US (FDA), the limit would be 400 mg of caffeine for a healthy adult.

Coffee, drinks that cause dehydration

The best options to stay hydrated

Given the importance of the water balance, especially during the summer, these are some tips to ensure optimal hydration.

  • Drink a variety of liquids among the most suitable to hydrate the body: water, sparkling water, homemade fruit water, herbal teas or broths.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Always have a bottle of liquid on hand, especially for children and the elderly, as it seems that thirst signals are not as effective at these ages.  
  • Avoid making great efforts and activities outdoors in the central hours of the day.

    In summer it is better to avoid drinks that cause dehydration

    Dehydration during the summer can cause health problems. Therefore, it is best to avoid those drinks that can cause this state. Instead, it is best to choose the varieties that help provide fluids and mineral salts to the body.

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