3 Topical Muscle Relaxants With Natural Ingredients

Topical muscle relaxants can be made from natural ingredients. While it is true that there are several effective options available in the pharmacy, the combination of some oils and herbs is very beneficial. Are you interested?

Muscle aches can appear from multiple causes, regardless of age or time. They often originate after physical overexertion or injury; however, they can also be the sign of a more caring condition or problems.

In any case, as is to be expected, those who suffer from it seek solutions to accelerate their recovery and alleviate the discomfort they cause. Fortunately, in addition to conventional treatments, there are 100% natural remedies that provide interesting benefits.

Topical Muscle Relaxants You Should Try

Muscle aches are often combated with rest and some conventional pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. However, there have always been other types of therapeutic options that help alleviate them. In this case, we propose a series of muscle relaxants for topical use made from natural ingredients.

1. Preparation of bay leaf and almond oil

laurel to make muscle relaxants

The first recommended to combat muscle aches naturally is nothing more and nothing less than bay leaf. This plant has anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in relieving stiffness, swelling, and pain.

Therefore, this relaxing product can be applied in case of lumbar pain, stiff neck or muscle trauma. It can also be included as part of the treatment of joint pain.


  • 5 bay leaves
  • Almond oil (150 ml)


  • First, crush the bay leaves and pour them into a glass jar.
  • Then cover them with the almond oil and cover.
  • Put it to marinate in a cool and dark place for 7 days.

How to use

  • After the recommended time, filter the oil and apply it on tense muscles.
  • Massage until you feel relief.

2. Comfrey and vitamin E, one of the best topical muscle relaxants

Comfrey ointment with vitamin E is a natural product that helps to promote the relief of minor muscle aches or pains. Its application through massage improves circulation and accelerates the relief of pain and swelling.


  • 10 tablespoons of avocado oil (150 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of ground comfrey root (60 g)
  • Cera alba (35 g)
  • 6 drops of vitamin E oil


  • First, add the avocado oil to a jar and mix it with the ground comfrey root.
  • Seal the jar and let the product marinate for 2 weeks.
  • Later, filter the oil and reserve.
  • Heat the alba wax and mix it with the filtered oil.
  • Pack in a clean container and add the vitamin E.
  • Wait for it to sit until it solidifies.

How to use

  • Take a small amount of ointment and rub it on the muscles you want to relax.

3. Natural preparation with cayenne pepper and baby oil

Cayenne pepper

For a quick and natural muscle relaxant, try this one made with cayenne pepper and baby oil. As supported by various scientific research, the active compound in pepper, capsaicin, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that decrease pain.

Because of this, its topical application can be helpful in reducing pain in abused muscles and circulatory difficulties. Do not hesitate to use it after doing sports activities or work whose physical effort was significant.


  • 1 teaspoon of ground cayenne pepper (5 g)
  • 10 tablespoons of baby oil (150 ml)


  • Mix the cayenne pepper with the baby oil until well combined.

How to use

  • Take some oil with cayenne pepper and massage the sore muscles.
  • Repeat its use whenever you consider it necessary.

To keep in mind!

All topical muscle relaxants are beneficial in reducing muscle aches. However, they are not without causing allergic reactions in some people. Therefore, before using the product in its entirety, the ideal is to do a small test in one of the areas of the skin.

In case of irritation, itching or any unwanted effect, discontinue use and rinse with plenty of cold water. If after a few minutes there is no reaction, use it without problem.

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