3 Remedies To Reduce Cholesterol With Oats

It may be your case: you have just had some blood tests done and your doctor has indicated that you have an elevated cholesterol level. What can we do? Here are some ideas for reducing cholesterol with oatmeal.

The first thing to know is that LDL, bad cholesterol, has two origins:  an inadequate diet and our own body, which, due to genetic factors, tends to dangerously accumulate in our tissues and blood plasma.

To lower your cholesterol, your doctor may have prescribed a certain type of medication. If we accompany it with  a proper diet and a little exercise, we will help cholesterol return to its proper and healthy level.

Why can oatmeal help me lower my cholesterol?

As you already know, oats are considered a superfood,  a daily resource that we should all take to take care of our health. It is good for our heart, to regulate our weight, improve our digestion, avoid constipation.

A natural treasure used since ancient times and that current medicine has endorsed over the years. The Mayo Clinic, for example , conducted an interesting study where it explained precisely the great benefits of oats to reduce the so-called bad cholesterol.

  • Oats contain soluble fiber, which is rich in lipoprotein and allows us to reduce the density of LDL (bad cholesterol).
  • This type of fiber is the same as that found in apples, for example, whose effectiveness in lowering cholesterol is well known.
  • Not all foods that contain oats are going to help you lower your cholesterol. For example, oatmeal cookies. which, instead of helping you, can harm you due to sugar and saturated fat. Avoid them! It is best to consume natural oats.

How to lower cholesterol with oatmeal

1. Green apple and cinnamon oatmeal


  • A pear.
  • 100 g of quick cooking oats.
  • A glass of water.
  • 20 g of honey.


  • Bring the glass of water to boil along with the oatmeal to cook it.
  • Add honey for a sweeter flavor.
  • Clean the pear and cut it into small pieces, you don’t need to peel it either.
  • Put the oatmeal in your favorite bowl and add the pear pieces.

Pears may have properties that enhance the effects of oats. This combination is delicious and is a breakfast that is as nutritious as it is healthy. Go ahead and try it!

3. Oatmeal with plums

oatmeal Ingredients

  • 100 g of quick cooking oats.
  • 2 plums
  • 3 walnuts
  • A glass of water.


  • Bring the glass of water to boil along with the oatmeal to cook it.
  • Prepare the plums: peel them and remove the pit.
  • Chop the walnuts and reserve them for later.
  • Put the oatmeal in your favorite bowl and add the plums and walnuts.

These three fruits, apples, pears and plums, are some of the best fruits to fight cholesterol. You can also use strawberries, blueberries, kiwis or grapes for the combinations that you most want to prepare to reduce cholesterol with oats.

This type of breakfast is a real remedy to help fight high cholesterol levels. In addition, it provides valuable nutrients to start the day and does not have a harmful effect on the line.

Do not forget to take care of your diet and do a little exercise every day, just go out for a walk for half an hour a day. If you go in the company of a friend or your partner, it will be much more pleasant. Start taking care of yourself a little more today!

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