3 Fruit Combinations To Lose Weight

Fruit combinations are an exceptional resource for weight loss. Surely you know, for example, the great benefits of beet (beetroot), apple and carrot smoothie. Delicious! But there are still more options that you will love knowing with us.

Encourage yourself to lose weight in an easy and healthy way. Find out below. However, keep in mind that these resources will only work if they are introduced in the context of a healthy diet.

1. Delicious combination of apple, cucumber and ginger

Green apples in a basket with cloth.

Not sure what to prepare in the morning? Then take note of this proposal. Thanks to it, you will get to start your day in a healthy way, you will be able to nourish and hydrate your body and, in addition, you will improve your figure.

Why do these fruit combinations help me to lose weight?

  • Apple: having a green apple in the morning is a very effective way to lose fat. With a high content of flavonoids, fiber and vitamin C, the apple also has the ability to regulate blood sugar level and activate metabolism. This is evidenced by a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . It is perfect and a treasure trove of medicinal properties to fight cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Cucumber: it is light, refreshing and an ideal ally to combine with many smoothies. This vegetable so common in our markets stands as a great antioxidant capable of regenerating our cells, hydrating us and offering us a great feeling of satiety. Combined with other healthy fruits and vegetables, it becomes a perfect resource to lose weight.
  • Ginger: surely you already know the many benefits of ginger. We speak to you very often about it in our space and we never tire of showing you its great medicinal properties for health and weight. It allows us to digest food much better, reduces inflammation and regulates the level of sugar in our body. How to resist?

    How can I benefit from this combination?

    • First take a green apple and clean it well (you don’t have to peel it). Choose a good cucumber and peel it. You also need 40 grams of grated ginger.
    • Second, we will make a ginger infusion with a glass of water (250 ml). Once the decoction is ready, add it to the blender along with the apple cut into pieces and the cucumber also laminated. Thus, you will obtain a very homogeneous juice.
    • You will notice the apple pieces, but it is recommended that you consume them. Pectin is also essential for this combination to act. Try it, because it is delicious.

    2. Delicious combination of fruits with grapefruit (grapefruit) and melon

    A smoothie as pleasant as it is refreshing. If you come home tired in the afternoon and you want to have something light, fresh and that, in addition, allows you to lose weight, do not hesitate. This combo is your best option.


    Why do these fruit combinations help me to lose weight?

    • Grapefruit (grapefruit): grapefruit stands out for its fiber content and multiple vitamins. It is a very successful fruit to lose kilos, as long as we are constant. That is, you should drink this juice every afternoon. Grapefruit (grapefruit) has the virtue of acting as an excellent “fat burner”. Its acids allow us to improve digestion and, in addition, combat fluid retention. It’s fabulous.
    • Melon: melon is the best cleanser you can find in your markets. No matter what kind of melon you choose, consumed with balance and combined with the most suitable fruits, it is a good ally for weight loss. It contains fiber and minerals, it is good to detoxify the body and to give us a feeling of satiety. Keep in mind that a direct relationship between fiber intake and appetite suppression has been shown.

    How to take advantage of this combination?

    • You need 200 grams of melon. It must be fresh in order to obtain all its nutrients. Remember that if the melon is too ripe it will have too much sugar, so make sure it is at its proper point of maturity.
    • Get the juice of a  medium grapefruit.
    • Now we go to the mixer. Add a glass of water (250 ml), the grapefruit juice and the melon cut into pieces. Obtain a very homogeneous juice and add a few ice cubes. You already know that cold drinks accelerate the metabolism and allow us to burn fat. It is very healthy, one of the best combinations of fruits that you can prepare on a daily basis. Do we start today?

    3. Delicious combination of fruits with carrots, orange and parsley

    Woman drinking carrot smoothie

    Have you ever tried this juice based on carrots and orange? We assure you that it is one of the most exquisite, healthy and suitable fruit combinations for losing weight. You can take it in the morning or with your lunch. If you add some ice cubes, you will enjoy a refreshing drink with which to speed up your metabolism and take care of your health. It is wonderful!

    Why do these fruity combinations help you lose weight?

    • Oranges: they have the property of regulating digestion, avoiding constipation, fighting fluid retention and, in addition, strengthening our immune system. They contain soluble fiber, which allows us to clean the intestines and avoid inflammation. An essential medicinal fruit in our day to day.
    • Carrot: it has fiber, beta-carotenes, vitamin A and potassium. It is one of those vegetables that prevent us from becoming inflamed and retaining fluids. It also improves digestion, since it purifies the body and allows us to properly eliminate fat. A delicious natural ally that combines very well with orange. Keep in mind that there is evidence that vitamin A is a fundamental nutrient to ensure proper wound healing. It also helps to avoid liver problems.

    How to take advantage of this combination?

    • We need the juice of two oranges. Once you have it ready, take it to the blender along with two clean carrots cut into small pieces.
    • Add 250 ml of water and beat until you get a homogeneous mixture.
    • Remember to drink it fresh. If you also add some ice cubes, it will be much fresher and more delicious. Perfect for lunch time.

    Introduce fruit combinations to lose weight in the diet

    If you include the fruit combinations that we have proposed in your diet, you will lose weight more effectively. However, you must ensure that they are introduced in the context of a varied and balanced diet.

    Finally, remember that although natural drinks (such as juices and mixed shakes) are good alternatives to any industrial drink, they should never take priority over water, which is the most appropriate drink to stay well hydrated and healthy.

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