15 Tricks That Will Help You Save The Clothes And Shoes That You Thought Were Ruined

Taking care of our favorite clothes and shoes is usually not that simple. Although we can clean them with detergents and other types of products, sometimes it is inevitable that they wear out due to their constant use or due to contact with some substance.

Damage to the fibers, color stains or sweat can make us think that it is time to throw them away because they no longer look so good.

However, there are a series of tricks and tips that help us restore them so that we can use them for much longer than expected.

This time we wanted to collect 15 interesting tips for you to recover the clothes and shoes that you thought were ruined. Take aim!

1. Remove sweat stains and deodorant

To remove sweat or deodorant stains from your white or colored shirts, prepare a thick paste with baking soda and lemon juice, and scrub it with the help of a brush.

This simple solution has a strong whitening power that will help you to leave them looking like new.


2. Avoid specks and balls in your sweater

If you have a cashmere or wool sweater, it is very likely that at some point it will start to fill with annoying specks and balls.

To say goodbye to this problem, soak it in cold water, drain it, and put it in a bag in the freezer. The next day you just have to immerse it in warm water and put it to dry.

It will be very soft!

3. Remove makeup stains

It is common that when removing the shirt without being careful, it is stained with compact powder or another cosmetic product.

If something like this happens to you, take some shaving cream and rub it in for a few minutes to remove the stain before your regular wash.

shaving cream

4. Remove lip stains

Due to their intense colors, lipstick stains on clothes are often very difficult to remove. To make it easier, spray some hairspray on it, let it sit for a few moments, and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

5. Clean suede shoes

Suede is very elegant but can get dirty easily. To make it like new, gently rub a nail file on it.

suede shoe

6. Enlarge shoes

If you feel that your shoes are becoming somewhat narrow, put a bag of water inside them and leave them in the freezer for 12 hours.


7. Goodbye to annoying bra rods

If the temples of your favorite bra have come out of place and hurt you, take a piece of tape or tape and temporarily seal them.


8. Remove red wine stains from our clothes and shoes

To remove red wine stains from your clothes, rub them with a little white wine and then sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on it.

Allow the solution to work for a couple of hours and then put them in the washing machine for a normal wash.

9. Unblock zippers

Zippers on jackets and jeans tend to get stuck after some time of use. A simple solution is to rub them with a little petroleum jelly to make it easier to slide.


10. Prevent the stockings from tearing further

Because they are such a delicate garment, veiled stockings tend to tear very easily when tangled on any surface.

Luckily, putting some nail polish on the tear can prevent it from running further.

11. Shine patent leather shoes

Recover the shine of your patent leather shoes with the help of a little glass cleaner. This product leaves them spotless and free of stains.

patent leather

12. Whitening shoes

The white parts of shoes tend to stain from their constant exposure to dust and dirt in the environment.

To restore that bright shade, mix a little common cleanser with baking soda, then use a toothbrush to apply it to the area.

clean shoes

13. Neutralize the bad smell of shoes

That annoying smell that your shoes give off due to the humidity caused by sweat can be eliminated with a little baking soda.

Put a couple of tablespoons inside and let it work overnight. The next day shake them and go.


14. Remove oil stains from clothing

Dish soap is the best solution to remove oil stains that stick to clothes and shoes.

15. Reinforce buttons

If you’re worried about your shirt buttons falling off, reinforce them with some clear nail polish.


Ready to practice these tricks? As you can see, they are very easy and inexpensive solutions to preserve and restore those clothes and shoes that you thought were damaged.

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