15 Home Ideas That Will Make Your Chores Easier

In order to make our chores at home easier, we must use our imagination to be able to make the most of all those everyday items we have at home.

As much as we try to save time on housework,  we almost always end up spending many hours getting everything in order.

Cleaning the rooms, organizing our accessories and cooking tasks complicate our lives several times a week. However, due to lack of creativity or ignorance, sometimes we make more efforts than necessary and we finish the tasks tired and without courage.

The truth is that there are many tricks that improve our productivity and help us do all our tasks faster.

Although some seem ridiculous at first glance, the truth is that they end up being a good solution for those problems that arise at home. In this way, these tasks are not so heavy, they can even be therapeutic.

In this space we want to share 15 of them so that you can start taking them into account from now on, forming part of your daily routine in housework.

You dare?

1. Turn the toaster over


Craving a cheesy bread toast? You have no need to turn on the oven. There are certain types of toasters that you can place on its side and insert the bread with the cheese.

As a result you will have a quick and simply delicious snack.

2. Clean ears of corn

Cleaning your ears has never been so simple! Grab a new toothbrush and use it to scrub those unwanted kernel fibers.

3. Remove stubborn stains

lemon juice to use in your chores around the house

Removing stains is one of the most time-consuming chores around the house. The lemon juice is one of the best ingredients to remove stubborn stains in clothing and surfaces. In addition, it will prevent you from using some chemicals that can be dangerous to health.

Squeeze out the juice and rub it over the stained areas with the help of a brush. Leave it to act for 20 minutes and wash it off with warm water. Keep in mind that it works especially with white clothes, with colored clothes you have to be careful as it could consume the color.

4. A magnet in the bathroom cabinet

magnet-medicine cabinet

Are you losing your metal tools? If you are already tired of not finding your tweezers, files and other objects when you need them most, stick a small magnet on the inside of your bathroom cabinet and use it to keep track of them.

5. Aluminum foil on doorknobs

The task of painting the doors and windows is a bit complex for us when we do not have enough experience. We almost always smear the doorknobs and leave undesirable stains that are difficult to erase.

The best solution to this problem is to cover these elements with a good piece of aluminum foil. After the painting is finished, remove it and you will see that they are impeccable.

6. Get shine in pans

Raw potato

When you notice that your pans look dull and dirty, take a raw potato, sprinkle it with salt, and rub it in vigorously.

As a result, you will get a more shiny and fat-free pan.

7. Threading the thread

Never again stress yourself trying to thread the thread through the needle. The next time you need to do this, take some hairspray and put it on the end of the thread. It will take a few seconds!

8. Use hard butter


Do you need to use butter but is it too hard? Take a food grater and rub the product into thin strips.

9. Vacuum small spaces

If you put an old sauce cap on the vacuum cleaner, it will be easier to clean those small corners that you cannot reach.

10. Hold nails


Never again will you feel the pain of hammering your fingers when trying to hit a nail. When you have to do this task, take the nail with a clothespin and hold it while you stick it to the wall, carefully.

11. Matchbox for sewing box

That little box of matches can be used to store needles, threads and those sewing supplies that you constantly need.

12. Cable organizer


A simple cardboard toilet paper tube works as an organizer for your phone and computer cables. This way you save time on one of those “annoying” house chores.

14. Clean taps

Anytime you notice that your sink or bathroom taps are dull, fill a bag with vinegar and soak it overnight.

The next day you can polish it and you will notice that they are like new.

15. Plastic bags in your order

handkerchief bags

Instead of filling a bag with more plastic bags, keep them neat and tidy inside a tissue box.

Make sure they are dry, fold them and put them inside the box to use as a dispenser.

15. Spool of thread for headphones

That spool of thread that you consider useless can actually help you a lot. Use it to wrap your headphones before they get tangled in your bag.

Go ahead and practice these tips and see that you can save a lot of time with simple ideas.

Can you think of other tricks to help with chores around the house? We invite you to share your domestic experiences with us.

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