10 Tricks To Wear Heels All Day

There are some tricks to wear heels for several hours, without suffering. Now, this does not mean that it is advisable to wear this type of footwear daily or for long periods of time. Therefore, these tricks should be used only when it is strictly necessary to wear heels for many hours at a time.

The ideal would be to wear comfortable shoes every day, which allow stability, but also support the feet well and provide enough space for the toes. A pair of shoes that are not completely flat, but also not very high and at angles of inclination that later end up causing pain.

10 tricks to wear heels and reduce or eliminate discomfort

Learn how to choose heels for each type of dress.

When wearing heels, the weight normally supported by the foot completely changes its point of support. By increasing the height of the heel, the front part must support up to 75% more of the weight to which it is normally accustomed. For this reason, it can cause damage to the foot, knees and even change the posture of the spine.

Here are some tips and tricks to minimize the adverse effects of wearing heels.

1. Get used to it little by little

It is not at all advisable to wear high heels for the first time throughout the day. In fact, you have to use them for short periods of time and, if possible, take breaks. Change your posture, sit down, take them off for a while and so on.

Although they may look pretty, pairs that have heels of more than 5 centimeters are the least recommended, especially for those who are not used to wearing them.

  • When new, it is always advisable to wear them for short periods of time and walk short distances (indoors).
  • If you feel that they bother you in the part of the fingers, it is best that you slightly moisten a newspaper, crumple it and roll it into a ball and put it on your shoes for a couple of nights. This is a trick to “soften” that area a bit to avoid friction.

2. Start by wearing wide heels

If you are not used to wearing high heels and you want to start wearing them, or you have a specific event and you want to complete your outfit with a pair of them, it is recommended that you opt for those that have a thick heel.

Shoes that have a very fine heel (stiletto) are difficult to support and even more so for long periods of time. Another option would be to wear platform shoes instead of heels as such. 

3. Take short breaks

With any type of high-heeled footwear, it is advisable to take breaks, even for short periods. This will prevent your feet from swelling up and your legs feeling like a dead weight at the end of the day.

  • It would be recommended that, during breaks, you try to massage your feet a little, to reactivate circulation.
  • If you are at home, it is recommended that you take off your shoes and soak your feet for a while in warm salt water. This will help relieve discomfort and reduce inflammation in the area.
  • It is also recommended that you put your feet up for at least 15 minutes a day, before going to sleep.

4. Always wear your size

Although it seems obvious, you have to remember that shoes should always be the correct size. Otherwise, they can cause multiple annoyances.

If the shoe is small, it can hurt and cause blisters. On the other hand, if it is larger, the foot can slide from one side to the other and, instinctively, you will end up trying to hold it by making more force with the front part of the instep, to prevent it from coming off.

5. Try to choose the ones that hook on the ankle

High-heeled shoes that have an ankle bracelet and straps on the instep will be much easier to wear, because the foot will be better supported. On the other hand, those that lack straps and are practically uncovered, tend to cause discomfort more easily.

  • Tip: choose the ones with a T-shaped neckline.

6. Use pads

In the market you can find small pads that are placed in two different places on the foot. Depending on which area hurts the most, you can place it under the toes or on the heel. 

7. Hydrate your feet

It is extremely important to have your feet well hydrated, with cream. In this way, we can avoid chafing.

  • Tip: apply a little moisturizer inside the shoe, spread it well and let it dry. Repeat the procedure several days in a row to soften the material a bit.

8. Chill your shoes, the best of the tricks to wear heels

Inside the shoes, put bags filled with water. Make sure they are tightly closed and are not leaking. Then take another bag and put the shoes in it. Put the bag in the refrigerator and leave it there for several hours.

When changing from a liquid to a solid state, the water will put pressure on the shoe and will “enlarge” it a little more, which will prevent them from causing chafing.

In summer, another trick to enlarge and soften shoes a bit is to take several sheets of newspaper, crumple them into balls, moisten them with a little water and put them in the shoes for about 24-48 hours. Then the paper balls are removed and the shoes are left to dry in the sun.

9. Swap heels for platforms

Opting for platforms is to increase the sole of the shoe a few more centimeters. Therefore, this trick allows a higher heel to be worn more comfortably without the foot noticing it too much. Since 2 to 3 centimeters are removed, the entire foot and leg will feel relief.

10. Avoid using those with thin soles

Thin soles provide little support for the lower forefoot. Therefore, rubber platforms are better since they absorb pressure when walking, relieving pain produced in the soles of the feet.

Follow these tricks to wear heels and you will look splendid without discomfort or pain.

Always remember that the continuous use of high heels is not recommended. Give priority to comfortable shoes.

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